Friday, July 11, 2014

Fashion Friday - Currently Craving

Here is a list of fashion items on my "currently craving" list! Monday, I leave for California to take part in the Traditional Homes/Thermador Great Kitchens Event and have been scouring the web for quick ship items to pack. I always wear simple jewelry, comfy dresses and slides, when I travel, so it is quick and easy to sail through TSA security in the airport. Don't you hate it when the person in front of you in the security line wears items that set off the security alarms?  I mean, really don't people know they have to pass through security?   What do you like to wear when you travel? Anything you can't live without when traveling?  I wouldn't leave home without  "My Charge" travel electronics charger.

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1 comment:

  1. How fun, Lisa!! Love the leopard dress and so needing a straw bag - have fun!!


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