Friday, January 30, 2015

My Favorite New Iphone 6 Plus Cases

I admit I'm drinking the iPhone 6 plus Kool-Aid!  I got it last week.  It was a late Christmas present to myself!  I leave for Germany in two weeks for Blogtour Ambiente and don't want to drag along a big camera, so this was the next best thing to take.  I am still getting use to the big size, but I love the camera.  I snapped the picture above at 10:30 in the evening.  The clarity of the photo isn't nearly as clear as a photo taken in daylight, but it is good enough for my purposes.  Have you bought a new iPhone?  Do you like it?  
Before my phone came, I searched for a case for it.  I wasn't sure what I wanted because there are so many to choices.  I got a personalized case with my last two phones and enjoyed them because it was easy to identify my phone from someone else's.  
I knew what I was getting when I bought phones in the past, but this time I wasn't sure.  I didn't go to the store to get the phone because they didn't have them in stock.  I had to order and wait.  While I was waiting for it to come, I shopped for a new case.  

I ended up ordering the case above from
I chose the custom option and uploaded one of my brand patterns that are a herringbone; they picked my brand colors of orange and gray to create the band across the phone with my name!  I was pleased with how it turned out.  Do you like it?  I chose the extra durable case, so it cost a little more than the regular case, but I had a coupon, so it worked out to be about the same.  

If you would like to create one for yourself, MyCustomCase gave me a five 25% off discount codes I can share with you.
Email me at, and I will send you a 25% off discount code.  I only have five to give out so if you want one email me quick!  The first five readers who email requests for the codes will be the lucky five!  

And.....I have these awesome cases coming....If you want one message me for the details!  These are going to go fast! 

Aren't these gorgeous?  There are also some that don't have the jewels, but I love the jewels myself!

 Available in several colors!

I've been wanting a necklace case for a long time and finally someone is making one I like!  I decided to carry them in Studio 202.  Email me for pre-order details!

If you want a regular case for your iphone6 plus scroll through below to see some of favorites:

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Vintage Finds Online At Chairish!!!

World Traveler Foyer

Have you shopped at  Chairish features a curator-approved shop
 full of vintage treasures.  The shop is designed to make buying and selling easy 
for design lovers.  Their shop offers a vast selection of furniture, decor, jewelry and accessories from all over the country.  There are always so many things I 
like at Chairish I  have a hard time narrowing down my decision on what to buy!  
It's a virtual wonderful of goodies! 

I teamed up with Chairish to play a little game along with a few 
other design blogging friends. We were asked to choose a rug and then
 create a room and color palette around the rug.  I chose this hand
 woven black and cream designed mid-century
 modern rug.    

Cream and Black Rug
I love the graphic pattern of this rug.  The pattern
 reminds me of a winding path. I think it's perfect
 for a foyer, so I decided to design a foyer around 
this rug.   This rug is 4'9" x 8'2' and is only $982!

Here are the items I used to create my foyer:
Left to Right:

1. Brass Umbrella Stand
2. Svenskt Tenn Leather Elephant
3. Mastercraft console table
4. Teal suede ottomans
5. Vintage Assouline Luxury books Set of 6
6. Jeweled Box
7. Abstract painting by Michelle Armas
8. Rosham Beaux Fixture
9. Starburst Mirror
10. Pink Princess Antique Bench
11. Mongolian sheepskin Pillows
12. Ottoman Silk Pillows
13. Celerie Kemble Bolster
14. Zebra Pillow
15. Stripe Footstool
16. Stiffel Green Lamps
17. Fish Base End table

I had so much fun on Chairish looking for items
 to create my foyer.  I had no idea the deals I would
 find. I had to stop shopping for myself 
and focus on shopping for my client.  
It's easy to get distracted
 when the deals are so good.  

Did you know you can buy and sell on Chairish?
You can....


List your gently used items in 2 minutes. They will approve and post them. You take home 80% of the sale price

   Click Here if you want to get started selling!

you can let local people pick up items or Chairish 
will arrange for deliveries for you. 

What are you waiting for?  Go Shop Chairish Today
and rack up the savings on vintage finds ! 

Want to check out the other rugs available at Chairish?  
Click here to see more beautiful rugs at Chairish!

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Great Resource For Antiques and Vintage Finds....The HighBoy

I recently discovered The HighBoy online, and I must admit, I'm like a kid in a candy store ogling the goods.  Are you familiar with The HighBoy?  If not, stop what you are doing right now and head over there ASAP!

The Highboy is an online shop filled with beautiful antiques and vintage finds.  The list of items is pretty extensive so I'll leave it to you to go check it out but I will tell you I am coveting several pieces.  

  Here is some of my favorites from The HighBoy! 

Mid-Century Collection. of Blenko "Pinch" Vases

I adore Blenko glass and keep planning to start a collection.  Look at this charming collection of five "Pinch Vases" I found on The Highboy!  The colors are so pretty. 

Pair of Porcelain Gerald Thurston Lamps for Lightolier

NET PRICE $4,080

Original Lithograph by CORNEILLE (1922 - 2010), "Portrait I"

NET PRICE $1,360

Pair Of Murano Lilac Glass Disks Sconces By Vistosi

NET PRICE $5,949

Vintage lighting adds a great element to a room.  Wouldn't these Murano glass disks sconces look amazing as the crowning touch of color in a dining room?

Set of Mid-Century Jeweled Decanter

Lusting after this Mid-century jeweled decanter and six cordial glasses set.  Doesn't that decanter look like it could be the abode of " I Dream of Jeanie"?  This set would be perfect to style a photo shoot or have elegant drinks with friends.  

Mariano Fortuny Scheherazade Lamp 2 Tiers with Metal Ring in Opera Silk with Gold Metalli

NET PRICE $5,100

Fortuny chandeliers have long been a favorite of mine.  They are so sculptural and elegant, but very hard to find!  This piece would command attention as the focal point in any room.

Set of Four Italian Faux Bamboo Chairs

NET PRICE $1,403

Digging this set of Italian Faux Bamboo Chairs from James and Jeffery Antiques! I might trade my mother-in-law for this set of chairs!  Don't you love?  I'm teasing about my MIL, but I'll bet I made you laugh, at least I hope I did?
I could totally use these in a breakfast room redo I'm 
currently designing. 

French Art Moderne Mirrored Cabinet

French Art Moderne Mirrored Cabinet, Two Doors

NET PRICE $8,005

Can you say, "ooh la la"!   This french moderne cabinet from Carl Moore Antiques would make a statement anywhere you decide to put it.  This piece of furniture is the real deal folks. This cabinet is an example of  the true art of "verre eglomise" that is the art of hand painting on the reverse side of the glass before the silvering is applied to transform it into a mirror.  

Vintage Mid Century Rattan, Bamboo Four Door Buffet, France circa 1960

NET PRICE $3,983

Louis Vuitton Striped Steamer Trunk Wardrobe circa 1890

LIST PRICE $12,500
NET PRICE $10,625
What a fabulous collection of trunks The Highboy has available.  I have always wanted to find a vintage Louis Vuitton trunk to use as the base for a coffee table.  This LV trunk is one of several available.  

The Highboy is a great resource for designers.  Working on a  project and need a unique piece to add an element of interest?  The HighBoy is a great place to look to find one of a kind pieces.  I love the "Make an Offer" option.  If you see something you like but feel it is more than you can pay, make an offer.  Who knows, maybe they will take it!  

  I also like the option to shop by category or style.  When I source a project I am often looking for a particular piece, but sometimes, I want to be inspired by styles.  The Highboy searchability offers both options.  If you are shopping for yourself, you can make a wish list to access later.  Are you shopping for clients?  Try the easy email method to send a picture and description to your favorite client.  

The good news is you don't have to be a designer to buy from The HighBoy!  Need a few great items to create a designer look?  The Highboy can help!

Use the directory to find the category of items you wish to locate, and then shop away!  If you are like me, you will be lost for hours perusing the plethora of fine art and antiques at your fingertips!  
Isn't it amazing to be able to sit at in your warm and cozy home to buy items that once were hard to find?  Gone are the days of scouring damp, cold warehouses, and driving all over town to find that hidden gem!  Now you can find interesting pieces at the click of a button!  Are you as excited as I am?

Get ready to get more excited!
Listen up LMD readers!!!!  The High Boy
 is offering $100 off on purchases of $200 or more
 to my readers!!!!  Go Shopping!!!

All you do is....
Register on The HighBoy and use Promo 
Code LMD2015 to take $100 off your first purchase*

Promo Code is valid on total purchases of $200.00 
or more.  
 Promotional code may not be combined with other offers!

Shop quickly!!  These one-of-a-kind pieces
 don't wait around for long!  

Pop over to The HighBoy website to see the
 vast collections of offerings.  While you are on their
website make sure to click over and read their blog
"The Weekly" which was recently nominated for
 Best New Blog by the Design Bloggers Conference!
  It's a great blog and worthy of the nomination!  

Follow The HighBoy on social channels here:

Here's wishing you a fabulous Wednesday!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

For Great Modular Refrigeration Options Check out U-Line!

When it comes to under the modular refrigeration, U-Line is a favorite of mine.  I especially love how modular refrigeration allows me to create unique solutions for the way my clients live.  As a matter of fact, U-line was the brand that Traci Zeller and I chose for our own kitchenette in Studio 202, for many reasons.  We needed a front venting unit and wanted a handsome beverage center with sleek styling.  Did you know that there aren't many front venting units?  Most beverage centers vent from the back.  This is an important selling feature of U-Line products. 
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Monday, January 26, 2015

Favorite Office Supplies

Credit Via
 Who doesn't I love a well-organized desk with pretty supplies?  Today I was shopping online and discovered this amazing products offered from One Kings Lane.  Did you see these?  I mean who doesn't want a beautiful desk filled with these dreamy accessories?  

Russell + Hazel Acrylic Organizer
This lucite organizer will keep track of all sorts of things on a desk and keep them looking neat and in view for easy access.  Only $15!  

Acrylic File Box
I adore acrylic for the office.  It looks so neat and clean.  Love this acrylic file box as well.  Only $49.

Crocodile Cream Box set $29
Constellation seals $32
How pretty would this constellation seal make your letters? It's little touches like this that define luxury and make the receiver feel special.

23K Gold Stapler $265
I have a gold stapler, and I L-O-V-E it!  If you don't have a gold stapler, you are missing out!  I feel like Midas every time I use it.  Anytime I can make something as mundane as stapling papers feel special it's a good day! Of course, if I truly wanted to feel like Midas, I would buy this 23k gold version!  It's a little out of my price range, but if you can afford it, how awesome would this be perched on your desk?  I love it!

Ok, so I have highlighted some of my faves.  Be sure to pop over and check out everything.  OKL has awesome notecards, storage options and accessories to take your desk from hum drum to wow in a nanosecond!  
Click Here to see the collection available to give your office an upgrade today!
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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom 01.25.2015

I'm having a photo shoot this afternoon and have been busy getting everything planned.  Many years ago a wise older friend shared a little advice with me that she felt had served her well through her years.  This lady was a person I admired for many reasons.  She was a leader in her community, a savvy business woman and knew how to get things done.  Her advice was "to always remember in life, it is the meeting before "the meeting" that counts."  
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

I'm Excited to Be Chosen " A Domino Magazine Top 10 Southern Accounts to Follow On Pinterest" !

I was thrilled to be named one of Domino's
Top 10 Southern Pinterest Accounts!  Thank you to Kristy Harvey of Design Chic for choosing me to be part of this elite list!   Here's who made the list along with me!  I already follow all of them!  If you want inspiration make sure to follow along as well!  Want to read the entire article and see the complete list?  Click Here to read the article!

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Favorite Kitchen Faucets

I've had a love affair with the Kohler Karbon faucet for quite a while now.   I remember the first time I saw this faucet.  If my memory serves me correctly my friend, Meredith Heron installed it in brass in her studio kitchen.  This guy has a way of wooing all the ladies, just ask the fellow lurking in the background looking jealous.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Open Shelving in The Kitchen Yay or Nay?

Do you like open shelving in a kitchen or are you oppose to it?  I like the look.  Gone are the days of the boring wall to wall cabinetry, thank goodness.  Clients are demanding a more interesting kitchen.  I have been working on a new kitchen project this week, and I would like to utilize open shelving in the design.   I have been researching various options.  Let's take a look at some of the options I have discovered.
{Click to continue reading....}

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Lisa Likes"

So thrilled, my talented designer friend Shay Geyer's fabulous furniture store, IBB, won the award for Best Furniture Store in the country at the Dallas ARTS Awards last night!  It has been an emotional year for Shay and her family as her Dad ended his battle with cancer. I'm sure he was smiling from Heaven at his beautiful family and team at IBB last night.  Congrats Shay on a job well done!   I'm out to door to High Point for  a special project that I will share very soon.  It's cold in Charlotte, but the sun is shining and that is super cool!  I've been thinking about my upcoming trip to Germany and have been doing a little online shopping.  Those yellow Valentino shoes below are like the ones Shay wore with her killer black dress above and yellow necklace to the ARTS award!  Aren't that fabulous?  Here's what I'm liking on this cold Saturday morning! 
 What do you see you like?

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Margaret Donaldson Interiors, Charleston,SC


I want to introduce you today to Margaret Donaldson of Margaret Donaldson Interiors.  Margaret first opened the doors of her design business in 1988.  Located on Meeting Street in historic Charleston, this firm is one of the most respected in South Carolina.  With projects ranging from residential to commercial, this company enjoys creating custom interiors with attention to detail.  I met Margaret last fall when I spoke at the ASID Conference in Greensboro, NC and enjoyed connecting.
 I hope you will enjoy perusing my favorite  photographs of Margaret's work.
{click here to see more of Margaret's work...}

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fairley Modern - Tobi Fairley in Rue

   Have you seen this penthouse designed by Tobi Fairley in Rue Magazine?   It a real stunner!   Known for her bold use of color, Tobi really brings it to this project.  The foyer wallpaper custom designed by Tracy Hiner owner of Black Crow Studios wraps the walls in cobalt bliss!  This penthouse is off the chain gorgeous. I've included a few of my favorite photographs taken by talented photographer, Nancy Nolen. 
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Monday, January 12, 2015

Taking the Selfie to a Whole New Level!


Modern day Snow Whites can now look into the magic looking glass for more answers than "who is the fairest in the land."    The Washington Post reported that Neiman Marcus is drinking the kool-aid and has installed MemoryMirrors in their Walnut Creek, California store with plans to expand into in the San Francisco and Dallas stores as well.  I have mixed feelings about this product.  I need to know more about it before I can weigh in on whether I will actually try the MemoryMirror when shopping in Neimans. 
{Click here to continue reading....}

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom 1.11.15

When I was younger, I would go shopping and buy things just because I liked them.  Sometimes those items were great purchases and other times they weren't.   My closet would end up bulging at the seams with clothing that I wore 25% of the time.  As I have gotten older and wiser, I have gained more discretion over what makes the cut and comes to live in my small closet.  I'm not like most of my friends whose closets have grown with their years.  I still have a smallish walk in closet which is the same walk in closet I had 20 years ago.  My sister on the other hand, has a closet that is so large she actually set up her last child's nursery in one side of the closet and still had an entire side for his and her clothing.   I think her closet was a bedroom converted into a closet by the previous homeowners. I haven't had the luxury of a space like hers.  I guess I have been guilty of closet envy on many levels, but recently I have come to terms with my envy.   My house was built in the 80's before the birth of the huge master bedroom closet. It was a simpler time lacking dressing room glamour.  Unfortunately, this house doesn't offer the option of knocking out walls and making my closet bigger.    I could claim my daughter's room next to the master and make a closet out of her room, but where would she sleep when she came home?  Somehow I don't think she would visit often if she had to sleep on the couch, do you?  I don't want to take that chance.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fire versus Gas Burning Fireplace Pros and Cons

What are you doing on this cold January day?  I hope you are warming yourself by a cozy fire.  If so is your fire wood or gas burning?  The debate continues with pros and cons of wood burning versus gas burning fireplaces.  Which camp are you in?  

I have major allergies to an open fire, but I'll forego the issues to warm myself by an open flame during the winter months.  My husband is so crazy about a wood burning fire.  I'm sure he would look for a new wife, if I didn't agree to an open flame.  

Some people do not like wood burning fireplaces at all.  They prefer gas when burning a fire because of the ease. If you are trying to make a decision about which type of fire you want in your home here are some factors to consider:
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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Guess Who's Been Invited to Blogtour For Ambiente in Frankfurt?

Meeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's who!!!

I am over the moon excited to be chosen for Modenus Blogtour to Ambiente in Frankfurt, Germany!  This is Blogtour's inaugural trip to Ambiente which is one of the most important gift and table top shows in the world.  There will be exhibitors from 89 countries with over 4700 exhibitors.  It's going to be an amazing show!  I can't wait to share our adventures at the show and in Germany with all of you.  The USA is Ambiante's offical partner country.  There will be a pavilion curated by design star Scott Henderson!  I can't wait to meet Scott and see the amazing pavilion he creates for the show! I know it will be spectacular!

Have I told you how much I love Modenus Blogtours!  This will be my third Blogtour.  I have participated in Blogtour London and Blogtour Vegas.  It just keeps getting better and better for me!  I can't wait to go to Frankfurt!  Blogtour gives us opportunities to meet interesting people in the world of design, as well as gain exposure to beautiful products and visit interesting places.  I always learn so much and make so many valuable contacts.   Blogtour makes me a more knowledgable designer by exposing me to the latest and greatest in design and luxury products.  I am excited about what I will learn and see at Ambiente!  

Without further adieu allow me to introduce our Blogtour team for Ambiente, Frankfurt!

I borrowed this copy from the Modenus blog.  
Thanks to Florence Von Pelet for writing!

Are you familiar with Modenus?  If you are a designers, design enthusiast or architect, make sure to pop over to Modenus to get inspired!

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

5 Tips For Writing The Perfect Thank You Note!

The holidays are over!  It's time to get back to our normal routines, but first we have to thank everyone for the lovely gifts we received or do we? Emily Post says if you opened the gifts in front of the giver and offered an in person thank you at the time of the exchange, it isn't necessary to send a thank you note, however the older generation may beg to differ.  Do you write a note and send snail mail or do you send an email?  Either way in todays times, either is acceptable.  The southern girl in me prefers to write thank you notes and drop in the mail.   Do you enjoy writing thank you notes or do you look at it as another chore to check off the list?   I like to make a little ritual out of note writing.  It gives me time to reflect on the gift and the giver.  

5 Tips For Writing The Perfect Thank You Note

1. Invest in custom notecards.   I promise note writing will be more fun if you have pretty notes to to write your notes on.  I'm crazy about my notecards from Emily McCarthy.  I believe in buying the heaviest weight card stock you can afford.  

2. Pick a favorite writing instrument.  Choose what feels best in your hand.  I am left handed so I avoid pens that smear.  Old school of thought was the ink had to be black but today anything goes.  Choosing a pen color that co-ordinates with your notecards is always a good idea.  

3. Think about what to say.  Don't write a generic note.  Think about the giver and how you want to acknowledge the gift.  Make it personal by referring to the giver as well as the gift.  If the gift was monetary, make sure to express how you plan to use the gift. 

4.  Send your note timely.  Emily Post suggest sending a note as soon as you can, however, it is never too late to send a gift.  

5.  Provide a return address on the envelope.  Mail can get lost so to insure your thank you note arrives please include a return address on the envelope.  If you have the wrong the note will be returned giving you the opportunity to find the correct address and resend. 

Take advantage of Smart Bargins 48hr blowout sale and get one of these Invicta pens, regularly 1275.00  on SALE for $149.00  as well as other beautiful options for note writing!
Scroll through the options below by clicking the arrow on the right to see if something strikes your fancy. 

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