Saturday, May 9, 2015

10 Great Scarves to Up Your Outfit "Wow" Factor

Kate Spade Planetary Stripe

What is the easiest way to update, and add pizazz to an outfit?  You got it, a scarf!

Do you love scarves as much as I do?  Ok, I admit it, I'm kinda obsessed with scarves.   No other accessory can elevate a plain outfit to fabulous in a nanosecond like a scarf.  Well, may be a great pair of shoes rivals a scarf in this warfare, but we are talking about scarves today so forget the shoes til another post!  

Scarves offer a chance to add your personality exclamation point to an outfit.  They are also great for travel.  You can pack all basic bottoms throw in a few scarves and have outfit options for days.  If you haven't gotten the lady in your life a gift for Mother's Day, run out and buy a scarf.  It always fits!  Just pick one in her favorite colors.  

 The scarf doesn't have to be an Hermes or Pucci to make an outfit fabulous, but if designer scarves are your jam, rock on!  Here are some of my recent designer and non-designer finds of great scarves.  

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Click on the arrows above to see all the options,and don't forget about the first one I shared...
There are so ways to tie a scarf,  choose a nip tuck "Pan Am style" knot or a "Boho Loop" to define your style.  Don't know what I'm talking about?  
Scarvesdotnet has a great master scarf tying guide.  Check it out by clicking here.

Are you a visual person and need someone to show you the ropes of scarf tying?  Here is a great video with 25 ways to wear a scarf in 4.5 minutes.

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1 comment:

  1. Lisa I love love scarves. They are such a fab accessory and can really lift an outfit to such a higher level, plus they are fun and chic. Next to a great pair of earrings the scarf brings attention to the face as well so smile!!

    The Arts by Karena


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