Why do we keep wine corks? What do we think we are going to do with them?
I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to throw them away. They keep multiplying but nothing ever gets done with them. This morning I came to the conclusion that I have to either make something with them or throw them away! After all, I have to make room for more corks, don't I? What's a girl to do? I decided I would do a little research and see if other people have this desire to recycle wine corks.... Guess what I found out? I am not the only one! However, if you don't drink wine and want to make some of these cool products, just ask your local wine bar or restaurant. I am sure they will be glad to supply you with all you need to create these projects. With the holidays coming, wouldn't these make great gifts?
Here is my current wine cork stash... It doesn't look big, but would you believe there are 218 corks here! I put my favorite wine glass in the picture, so you could get an idea of the size of the the container the corks are in. I also have a larger container than this at my beach house that is also running over.... I clearly need to make something!
So what should I do with these corks... Let's see...
After doing a little research online, I came up with the following options..
The would be fun to make, all I need is the hurricanes, and a candle in a glass jar, since I already have plenty of corks, seems pretty easy ....
How bout making some letters like these? I could cut the letter out of wood or a heavy cardboard and hot glue the corks on top? This is a little time intensive. I think they actually cut the cork names out with an exacto knife and applied to some of the corks. Still very unique and interesting idea also obviously a big hit since they sell for $67.50 on Etsy and are on back order! I could start making them just so I could drink the wine to get the corks! Or may be not! That might create issues....
This same shop also makes this cool L-O-V-E for $275.00
Check out the
shop, they really do have some fun things...
Another great idea to make this fabulous bath mat. This would be fun in the shower room at my beach house...
I'm also digging this lattice cork board with the corks laid in an interesting pattern. People have been making cork boards for years but this adds a new twist to the pattern! I think this would be easy to make, but again if you aren't the crafty type it can be purchase it
Another idea I found were these cool orbs created by pinning the corks on end into a styrofoam ball or chains make from corks that have been sliced and joined to create a chain link rope. How cool would these be as drapery tie backs. These were done in where else... Anthropologie! I love the way they take nothing and make art with it!
Here is another picture of cork art from Anthropologie. The ends of the cork were dipped in paint and then used created the cork sculpture! Sometimes I go into Anthropologie just to see what they have created. I secretly want that job! I heard they have a art room in the back of the stores just for the person who creates all the art! How awesome would that be?
How bout this great idea for herb growers... cork herb markers from Lisa at "Let Your Light Shine", a set of these would make a great gift... |
This cute monogram board was created by Kathryn at "I can't find the time", you gotta love the name of her blog! I wish I had a nickel for every time I say that. I could hire someone to do all my projects with all those nickels!
This has to be one of my favorite ideas even though it is with champagne corks and not wine corks. . I don't have very many champagne corks, but I do have a few. Wouldn't these be cute knobs for a chest of drawers or a bar cabinet? I'll have to tell "Miss Mustard Seed", these look like something she would like!
Last but not least, if you don't want to be crafty but don't want to throw away your corks, check locally to see if you have a recycler who takes corks. I know there are several online. Some of them will even pay for your corks but you have to have about 10 lbs which is a lot of freaking corks....
The options are endless! Now to decide which project to make? What do you think? Do you have wine corks lying around waiting to become works of art or objects of use? Hopefully, you will at least think about recycling the next time you are tempted to toss a cork in the trash even if you don't want to make anything out of them.
I think it would be fun to look at our creations and remember both the fun times making the project as well as the good times we had drinking the wine.
I'll share my project if I ever get one made, right now "I can't find the time"....