Sunday, November 3, 2013

The "Mr." We All Need In Our Lives is "Mr. Steam"

I remember the first time I was saw "Dr. McSteamy" on Grey's Anatomy  television show,when he walked out of the bath soaking wet, wearing only a strategically placed towel and I thought "Wow, who doesn't need that in their life."  Well, turns out "McSteamy" wasn't so hot, and didn't stick around, which leads to the conclusion, that the only steam anyone truly needs is Mr. Steam! [read more after the break...]

Are you familiar with Mr. Steam?  If not allow me to introduce you to a luxury you simply cannot afford to live without. 

 Mr. Steam is a leader in innovation, with the highest quality steam products, and the best customer service on the market.  With everyone's focus on health and well being continuing to grow in importance, it's only natural one should consider the benefits of installing a steam shower.  A daily steam shower can provide natural detoxifying benefits that remove harmful impurities from your body.  It can enhance your breathing and leave you with a sense of tranquility which in turn promotes restful sleep and wellness. You owe it to your health to consider creating your own "at home spa environment".  Mr. Steam makes it possible with their new steam@home products which are easily installed, affordably priced and use less than a gallon of water per 20 minute session.   Space isn't an issue either.  All you need is 3' x 3' x7'.  So what are you waiting for?  Go to the online virtual spa on the Mr. Steam website to start building your own at home spa today or click below:

Virtual Spa

Mr. Steam bathroom blueprint
Mr. Steam's intelligent Steambath is about the size of a briefcase, it can tucked out of sight in a small space.  Shown in this diagram under the bath cabinet, this unit can be stored as far as 60 feet away from the shower. To read more about this amazing generator exclusively to Mr. Steam click here.

Steam@Home Guide

Are you worried about the look of a steam shower?  Worry no more, the Mr. Steam system is so minimal and sleek.  Here is a picture of the isteam swipe-touch control pad available in black or white.

 The isteam pad is almost flush mount is only 1/8" thick so barely noticeable from the side view.

The front view of the pad is attractive and easy to read.  The control packages are available in iDream, iButler and MS Butler packages.  Click on each name to read more.
 I love that it provides a clock inside the shower.  Are you like me and constantly wondering, how long you have been in the shower, when you are rushing in the mornings, to get out the door?  Wouldn't a clock be nice?

The tempo plus is available in seven finishes and stores two preferred time and temperature settings.

 The tempo has adjustable time and temperature and is also available in seven finishes in either round or square shape.

The iGenie remote control is fully automated and is water resistant.  The iGenie can be operated up to 100 feet away and is so small it fits in the palm of your hand.  If you want to get really high tech you can install the home wizard which allows you to preheat your steam shower from your smart phone, computer, tablet or in-home control system so you have Steam ready when you are anywhere.

Let's talk about some of the other accessories Mr. Steam offers for the ultimate shower experience. 

Add one of the seven chakra oils for a total spa experience.  You have heard about the healing and creative powers behind aromatherapy why not add it to your shower experience.  Click here to read how each oil can benefit you.

Choose an AromaSteam steamhead and add a few drops to the oil well to infuse the steam environment with the essential oils or install an entire Aromasteam system which can hold a replaceable one liter bottle of oil.  (All seven of the essential oils are available in the one liter size as well.) This is particularly good if you have one oil you favor.  If I had a choice I would choose eucalyptus for my everyday fragrance since I always have a stuffy head due to allergies.

Mr. Steam also offers a furniture grade teak wallseat which can be folded against the wall when not in use.  Wouldn't it be so relaxing to sit in a steam bath after a long day?
 Mr. Steam offers an MS Light which also makes the experience more enjoyable.  This is particularly helpful if you are like me and can't read the type on the bottles to discern if you have the shampoo or the conditioner.  This attractive, architecturally interesting light comes in two finishes.

Mr. Steam ChromaSteam system integrates light with steam creating chroma therapy environments rich in color, mood and warmth.  Like water and heat, light is a fundamental life force and may improve your physical and mental state.  To read more about ChromaSteam therapy click here

Relax to your favorite tunes while enjoying your spa bath. 
 Mr. Steam offers is MusicTherapy In-room Speakers which are designed for use in any shower.  They are marine grade and have a crystal clear full range sound with powerful bass. These moisture resistant speakers are music ready from virtually any source and available in round or square shape.

 Mr. Steam is also known for their fabulous line of heated towel warmers.  There is absolutely nothing like reaching for a warm towel when you get out of the shower. Click here to see the Fifth Avenue, Broadway and Metro Collections of towel warmers from Mr. Steam.  With the Broadway Collection you can chose the Valet Package which allows you to preprogram and preheat the towel warmer, add an aromatherapy experience and have a warmed robe ready for after a shower or steam bath.  That's what I call Heaven on Earth, folks!

This bath is a great example of how well integrated the Mr. Steam products look in a bathroom.

You can turn any stressful day into a restful day with

Don't you owe it to yourself to invest in Mr. Steam today?
Click below to find a dealer near you!

Find a Dealer

I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mr. Steam and particularly, Martha Orellana, VP of Mr. Steam who not only was a sponsor of blogtour London with Modenus but also hosted the lovely lunch we enjoyed at The Orangery at Kensington Palace that I wrote about here.  To know Martha is to love Martha!  Thank You Martha and Mr. Steam!

Follow Martha Orellana, VP of Mr. Steam on twitter @steamtherapy 

Check out the Mr. Steam website here.


  1. Love this info ... working on a master re-do right now that just might benefit from a Mr. Steam!! xo

  2. Hi Lisa, what a great post. We splurged with a large steam shower and 4 years later, I am still thrilled with it. I also added aromatherapy, chroma therapy and music as well. Highly recommend!

    1. Oh Brenda, you are living the good life! I hope you got the best in the industry, Mr. Steam!

  3. Lisa this sounds so relaxing and luxurious!! Just what I need

    The Arts by Karena

  4. This would truly be a luxury. I will have one put in my next house.

    1. You and me both Teresa! How are you? Thanks for commenting!

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    :-very good content and nice information...


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