Friday, April 20, 2012

Hot Pink Friday & Liebster Blog Award


Friday has arrived!!!   What is it about Fridays we love?  We still have work, school and schedules, on this day, but somehow the anticipation of the weekend, gets us through the day "clicking our heels".  I'm feeling hot pink toes are in order! 
 What about you?
What do you plan to do with your fabulous Friday?   

 On another note....

The very sweet, Jillian Nicole of Mimi Nicole, This darling little blog awarded me the Leibster Award!  Jillian blog is chock full of gorgeous, inspiration boards, wedding and event decor, and just plain, ol' prettiness!  I was honored she picked me {and 4 other great bloggers--check them out here!} to receive the award!  Now it's my turn to pass the Leibster Award on to five deserving blogs that have 200 or less followers!  I follow many blogs, but these five blogs have heart and definitely deserve the "Leibster" which means "darling" blog, incase you are wondering?  I had to google it myself but there you have it!   Please visit their blogs and see for yourself! I think you will be glad you did!  If you do visit make sure to "join" and make them a daily read!  You don't want to miss out on the fun, now do you? 

Those are my five(ok so I decided to pick 8 - I have an OCD thing about numbers)
 "Leibster" Award Blogs!  Don't forget to check them out!!!!

Now, for those of you who won the Liebster Award, here are a couple rules for accepting it:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.(That would be me!)
2. Post the darling award to your blog.
3. Give the award to five bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the five blogs to let them know they've been offered the award!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Lisa - What a wonderful surprise and honor! Being a new blogger to this wonderful, wide world of blogland... I am honored that you awarded me as one of your choices. Now this is the way to start a Friday!
    I accept the loving award and am so very grateful. Thank you so much!
    I hope you enjoy your weekend! Jalon

  2. What an honor Lisa, thanks for including me on your list! I can't wait to visit start following your blog, thanks for looking me up!

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for considering me!

  4. I love the idea of Hot Pink Friday! Think I will stop unpacking the kitchen and go get my nails done–have a great weekend.
    xo, Lissy

    1. You go girl! I tried to comment on your tulipiere and my dumb computer wouldn't let me! ugh! I think it wants me to log in as my wordpress acct, you know the one...and i don't want that to get pinked! happy friday!

    2. I have that trouble too sometimes–subscribers have easy access.
      xo, Lissy

  5. Congrats on the award. I just got too! How fun.

  6. I love that hot pink, cabana area! Looks like the perfect place to indulge in some sunshine and guacamole!:)

    1. wish we were sitting there together having a nice chat in the breeze!

  7. Hi Lisa - You totally made my day! :-) As I only have 6 posts, my blog might be one of the newest around. Of course I accept the Liebster award. Now, I just need to figure out how to post the award on my blog and link back to you. I'm so new to the blog afraid to change my blog settings, etc. Took me forever to figure out how to upload photos. Yikes. Many thanks! Cheers, Loi

  8. PS - I barely can figure out the encryption codes. Am I the only one? :-(

  9. Lisa, thank you so much for the award; it is much appreciated! Love the hot pink and all those pics..the dress is totally my style, now if I could only find that exact piece :) Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Bet you would look great in that dress!!! Have fun this weekend!

  10. I am your newest follower. I believe that I follow you on pinterest. I will check.
    Love your blog, and the hot pink is pretty.
    Have a nice evening.

    1. Thank You Teresa! I am so happy we connected in blogland since we follow in Pinterest! Have fun this weekend!

  11. Lisa, what a lovely surprise! Congratulations to you and thank you so much for including me in your list of 8 (I laughed at your OCD number comment). I will enjoy checking out all the other blogs and will link back to on Monday. LOVE the hot pink! xo Sherri


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