Friday, March 23, 2012

Last Day to Enter Giveaways & Keys To A Happy Birthday!!

I'm waiting patiently for the birthday fairy...

She's coming tomorrow and I will become a year older.. Will I be a year wiser?  That I don't know, but I do know that I  am grateful for the years I have lived, the family and friends I have.  I am grateful to where life's roads have led me.  I've  I've lived through storms and learned to dance in the rain because I know after the rain comes the rainbow.  Without the rain we wouldn't have the beautiful flowers.  Each time I pick a bunch of beautiful flowers and place them on our table for us to enjoy. 

I am grateful. 

In the meanwhile, enjoy a fail proof way to "have your cake and eat it too"  with this sweet print by Paul Ferney Even the name of the print is special!  It's called "Seven Minute Frosting."  That's name of the frosting my mom made for us when I was a child.  I can still see her swirling that icing on the cake, as we watched in anticipation of the first bite. I found Paul's work on of my favorite new blogs, Plain and Fancy Living .  If you are aren't familiar with this lovely blog, please pop over and enjoy!  I think you will really like it!

 I have two things to share with you

First of all,

 The Keys to a Happy Birthday

1) Be Grateful - grateful people are happy people.  They always look at the glass half full. They are never without because they have everything they need.

2) Thank your Mother for bringing you into this world.  Without her you wouldn't be having a birthday!  Without her you wouldn't have had a lot of things.  If your Mother didn't raise you, thank whomever did because  they chose to love you.
If your mother is no longer alive to put flowers on her grave or write her a little note, poem or silently thank her.

3)  Find a way to be with who you love on your day.   Family, friends and loved ones.Time is precious.  We aren't promised tomorrow make today count.   

4)  Do something for a stranger.  If you are in line at Starbucks, buy the girl behind you a coffee.  Hold the door for an elderly person at the grocery store.  Just because you can.

5) Have your favorites!  Music, candy, foods, drinks, go shopping, have your hair done, get a mani-pedi, massage whatever you want!  it's your day! 

6) Take time to commune with nature.  Feel a apart of this world.  Listen to the birds sing, soak up the sun.  Feel the breeze through your hair.    

7) If you buy yourself a gift then you know you will get at least one gift you really want!  
(Now this one is our secret, don't you go telling anybody I told you to do that!)

8) Read a Bible Verse.  I especially like Psalms on my birthday.

9)  Be a gracious receiver.  Act like you like every gift you receive even if you don't.  It's the proper thing to do.  You will be glad later.  

10)  Just Be!  It's a celebration of the day you entered this world.  

The Birthday Week Giveaway!!!

Friday's Gift!!!

 Here's a Key for you....

bamboo pink Love Knott Key 
in Gold finish

Recap of the gifts already announced!
(click on an item to go to that day's post & see the item)


1.) Be a public follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect 
 (this is the first step without doing this you are not entered)

2.)After joining my blog, you can have a second chance to enter by " Liking"
 my facebook page here

3.) Leave a comment letting me know you want to be entered
(along with your email address) On today's comments tell
 me which item you liked best. 

4.) For additional entries: post the contest on your Facebook page or Twitter with a link to my blog.  Leave a separate comment for each entry. 

This contest is open to U.S and Canadian Residents 
  Drawing on Saturday, March 24, 2012. 
Winners will be announced on Monday, March 26, 2012


I won't be posting tomorrow because I'll be celebrating my birthday.  Have a great weekend!  Check back on Monday to see if you were one of the lucky winners!! Thank you to everyone who participated!  You helped make my birthday week special!


  1. Lisa.....hope you have a fabulous birthday!!!!

  2. Your post made my heart smile today:) Such wonderful reminders! God bless and I hope you enjoy every minute of your birthday, sounds like you've got it covered! Jamie Oh, and beautiful necklace!

    1. Ahhh...thanks so much! I'm so glad! I hope you win!

  3. I think I need to start celebrating my birthday and me more!

  4. Hi sweet friend, I hope that your birthday is as special as you are!!!!! Enjoy your day!!! Hope you are at the beach, that makes things even better. Love you!!!!

  5. Wishing you the happiest day! I think your 'Keys to a Happy Birthday' are perfect for every day!

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I'd like to invite you and your followers to stop by my new post today. As an esthetician I am now venturing into beauty and skin care tips; especially for mature women or those over 30, but all ages are invited!
    Today's post provides a list of skin care products that women can use daily to make their skin gorgeous and glowing.
    Have a beautiful week!

  7. Forgot j was suppose to comment when in tweet the giveaway! Ha - you know I did!!!

  8. Hi Lisa! Happy Birthday!! I love this post. Your keys to a happy birthday are sure to be winners.

    Thank you for your sweet comment over at my place and for becoming a follower. I hope to get to know you better in the near future; I'm happily following you as well!

    Enjoy your birthday weekend... and definitely do milk it for all it's worth!! :D


  9. Oh I am at Topsail and thought about you and that it's almost your birthday!!!! Hope you have had the best week with the build up! Even without the lure of prizes (-; it's been fun thinking about you and wishing you joy a few times this week!! Am here at the beach (came last night) with a couple of friends for some girl time!! Beach Shop dinner tonight! SPRING has arrived at Topsail!!! Most gorgeous day and evening! ENJOY your special day tomorrow!! Happy, Happy Birthday! xx Edna

    1. Thank You Edna! Hope you are having a great time!

  10. Happy Birthday Lisa. Wish you all your dreams come true.


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