Thursday, August 13, 2015

Photo Styling for Traditional Home Magazine!

This week been an exciting week for me.  As a designer, it was
a different kind of excitement than I usually receive.  I'm usually
the one hoping one of my projects gets picked up by a 
magazine, but this time my role in the project was different.
I was working as the photo stylist, not the designer.  Sometimes
magazines hire photo stylist to come in to assist the photographer.
This project was one of those times.  This closet wasn't an ordinary closet.  It was an entire room with beautiful features.  My job wasn't to change anything the designer had done but rather to enhance the
room with flowers and objects to further tell the story.  

I have done photo styling for myself and for other designers,
but this was the first time a major shelter magazine had hired me to photo style for one of their projects.  Krissa Rossbund was the producer of the project, so I followed Krissa's direction in styling the project.  She is a pro at what she does and so nice.  The day of the shoot, I worked along with photographer, Dustin Peck whom I have worked with for the past few years, so it was a very comfortable working situation.   I love working with Dustin, not only is he is an extremely talented photographer, but he has a gentle nature and a dry wit.  He always makes me laugh.  He never gets upset if I say, "can we reshoot so I can move that drapery panel 1/8" of a nano inch.  The designer, Gray Walker, was a pleasure to met.
She works right here in the same city I do, but we had never met.

If you have never done a photo shoot, you cannot comprehend the
tediousness of getting the right angles to explain best a room for
publication.  If you have done shoots, you know what I mean.  The right angle or right light can make a room dull or spectacular.  Dustin is
a true artist as what he does so working with him is sheer joy.  
The day we finished shooting I came home to my husband asked "what did you do today" and I said "I photo styled a closet" for a magazine. 
"A closet," he asked?  I said "yes, but this isn't just any closet, it is a
mega closet."  

Imagine my delight, when I got a message from Krissa Rossbund, of Traditional Home, that Gray's closet had made the cover!  I was so excited for her and thrilled that Dustin and I had gotten a shot worthy of the cover. 

I invite you to pick up a copy at your local grocery, Barnes & Noble or
Newsstand and celebrate with us!  As always Traditional Home is chocked full of interesting and beautiful articles.  Make sure not to miss the article on Fashion designer, Dennis Basso.  Talk about a beautiful home!  Wowza!  His collection of blue and white porcelain has me coveting from afar!  Also, in this issue is Giuliana and Bill Rancic's new Chicago Brownstone.  It is another stunner. 

There are so many great articles in this mont's issue of Traditional Home, I cannot begin to mention all of them.  You will have to pick up a copy 
and see for yourself. 

There are many great ideas too.  Like the one above which uses
 inherited china dishes from Grandmother to organize your jewelry.  Wouldn't you smile every time you opened 
a drawer and saw your loved one's china?

The photo above looks a little sketchy for good reason.  I snapped it with my iphone from the photographer's screen the day we shot the closet.  I remember say...."there's the money shot" and guess what....
I was right!  It made the cover!

Here are some more of the photographs of the fabulous closet..

To see this month's issue online click here

I'll share more about the process of photo styling later but for now, allow me to basque in the afterglow of the new cover!! 

  If you are a magazine, designer or company, I am
 available for photo styling and would love to work with you
 on your photo shoot.  Inquiries email

Photography by Dustin Peck


  1. Thanks Emily! It has been exciting!!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous Lisa! I'm so happy for you! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Laurel! I'm really enjoying your blog! You are a great writer!

  3. That is amazing, LIsa and the closet looks spectacular….should have known you had your hand in it!! Happy weekend!

  4. Your Home Design looks very stylish and traditional. Anyone can take ideas from your blog.

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