Saturday, June 27, 2015

10 Questions For the SisterHood of The World Blog Awards!

Holly Hollingsworth Phillips of The English Room, announced that she had been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blog Awards (SOWBA) by Sarah Sarna a few days ago.  Holly then tagged me along with nine other bloggers as her list of 10 nominees.  Thank you Holly for nominating me!  Here is the list of questions Holly asked me to answer!

The perfect paint color?

Boy!  That is a hard question for me to answer!  I love so many paint colors!  I think one of my favorite colors is Benjamin Moore Antiguan Sky 2040-60.  It reminds me of the ocean.  I have used it in many projects because it is soothing and creates a relaxed atmosphere.

 If you could have any job besides the one you have right now,
 what would it be? 

I would like to be a painter and plan to one day soon
 resume my art classes.  If I don't do that could I please be the person who names the OPI colors resume my art classes.  If I don't do that could I please be the person who names the OPI colors, pretty please.

  If you could pick any designer, living or dead, to decorate your house, who would it be?

Photo Credit: Architectural Digest Interior Design by Miles Redd

I think about this quite a bit.  It would be a treat to have someone design a house for me. The experience of working with a designer allows you to get to know a designer personally.  I have so many fabulous designer friends, it is really hard to pick just one so I'll pick someone I don't know personally.  I would love to work with Miles Redd.  He designs exquisite, colorful, interiors, which I can relate to because we share the common bond of being southern.

 Dream trip?

I have recently added these two islands to my bucket list....

Song Saa Private Islands in Cambodia. This place is amazing.  I have a friend who was a guest of this island and her stories made me green with envy!

The Maldives and stay on the water in one of these huts!

 Best meal of your life?

Restaurant Gary Danko

My husband and I ate at Restaurant Gary Danko in San Francisco on our 5th Anniversary which was 15 years ago and it was one of my favorite meals ever!

 Pick an all time favorite movie and an all time favorite
 book that you think we should all watch and read?

I know it is cliche' but my all time favorite movie is Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.  We have watched it hundreds of times.  My husband and I recite lines from the movie all the time.  I loved the music, the campy storyline, and the beautiful Ilsa.

.  My favorite book is Memoirs of a Geisha.  I love to read but it becomes increasingly harder to find the time to read for pleasure.  I just finished Dear Carolina by Kristy Harvey and loved it!  i would recommend both!

 Best gift you have ever received? 

My engagement ring, which belonged to my husband's paternal grandmother.  It was made in 1920 and is platinum filigree. I still love it and would choose it if I were ring shopping today.  It is very sentimental.
I'm currently at my beach house and don't have my ring with me but these rings are similar in style to my ringis very similar to my ring.

 Favorite wallpaper ever? 

Design by Nate Berkus

I love and adore Martinique Banana Leaf from the famous Beverly Hills Hotel. It's a classic and iconic.  I keep trying to use it in a project but so far no takers.  I will have it in my own house one day even if it is in my closet.  It makes me happy!

 If you could rewind twenty years and give yourself
 one piece of advice, what would it be?

"Buy the Best First and You only Cry Once"   It took me many years to succumb to this, but it's true.   

 Chicest Hotel that you have visited or seen? 

I loved my recent visit to the Soho House Berlin.  It is a very chic hotel with cool, artsy vibe.  The hotel decor is geared towards artists, designers and people who appreciate interesting design.  I loved the spa there as well which uses Cowshed products.  My room had a beautiful stand alone cast iron French Bateau tub in lacquered steel finish.

I also think The Viceroy Hotel in Anguilla is tres` chic

 Piece of art that you most covet? 

My children's portraits are probably my most prized, but one of my favorite new acquisitions is a table runner from a dinner party at artist Mark Boomershine's house.  He gave it to me after the party. I had it framed in lucite and used it in the Traditional Home Show House Breakfast room which you will see in the October issue.  It spans 8ft long and 4ft wide.  It's a cool piece of art that reminds me of one of the best dinner parties I have ever attended.  If you didn't read my post about that party and love creative dinner parties, please pop over and read it now.  It was an amazing party!

Thank you,Holly for nominating me.  I now nominate....

My Questions I would like you Ladies to answer are....
( I borrowed most of these)

1. If you could have any job besides the one you have right now, what would it be?
2. If you had one day completely alone how would you fill your time?

3. What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
4. What is one vacation spot on your bucket list?
5. What is your favorite little luxury?
6. What is your favorite summertime drink?
7. If you could pick any designer, living or dead, to decorate your house, who would it be?
8. If you could rewind twenty years and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
9. What is your favorite family tradition?
10.  What is your most prized possession besides your family? (Think Materiallly Here Ladies)


  1. Holy Moly Batman! I have to start thinking!! Thanks for the nomination!! xoxo, Kath

  2. Oh how fun! Great questions!!!

  3. That looks like a fun list of questions! I loved reading your answers, Lisa.

    1. Thank Brenna! how are you? I hope you are having a great summer!


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