Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Pearls of Wisdom - The Birthday of a King!

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Christmas is upon us.  The time we celebrate the birth of Jesus.   There are many questions as to the exact date Jesus was born.  According to historians shepherds would not be watching their flocks in December nor was there a census taken in December which indicates that Jesus may not have been born during the winter months.  The date of December 25 coincides with popular pagan religious celebrations.  Many believe this was the reason December 25th was chosen as his birthday.  It's one of the mysteries left unturned.

It is hard to tell exactly when December 25th was first recognized as Christ's birthday, but historians seem to think it was around the fourth century.  Christmas wasn't celebrated in Rome until over 300 Years after Christ died.  It's origin can't be traced back to the early Christian's teachings or practices.

Some people think that Jesus's birth is a myth created the same as a fairy tale.   I'm here to tell you the story is real.   I have witnessed God's work first hand.  When my son died, I had so many questions about life and death.  Miraculously, I was guided through the process of grief, by many mysterious methods.  Later when I looked back at the situation, I could see my son's life was completely and perfectly planned.  One day I will share the details of this, but for now, I can emphatically proclaim, Christ as King.  He is in control and does have a plan for each and every one of us.

It wasn't until I lost my son, that I truly understood God's gift to me and to the world.  He gave his son knowingly.  I didn't give my son at all.  He was taken from me or so I thought.  It wasn't until I came to the realization that our children are on loan to us.  They belong to God, not us.  What a precious gift we are given when we receive a child.   Who but God would knowingly give up their child by allowing him to suffer on a cross? His gift  was the ultimate gift.  I thank him daily for his gift of Jesus. 

It doesn't matter when Jesus was born.  The only thing that really matter is  THAT he was born!   We must celebrate joyfully and with full hearts Christ's birthday next week but  don't celebrate Jesus's birth only at Christmas.  Celebrate him all year long!

  When we are struggling to finish shopping and preparing our home for the holidays,it's easy to loose track of what is important.  If you are too caught up in "the busy" of the season, stop and be still.  Relish in the moment. Think back over the gifts that have been given to us and cherish each one.  Love one another, be thankful to God!  

Remember to keep a little Christmas in your heart throughout the coming year.  

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His Shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, 
The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." ~Isaiah 9:6


  1. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas Emily! Love to your sweet family! ox

  2. Well said! Many blessings to you and your family this Christmas.

  3. Your words are powerful Lisa! Thank you for sharing.


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