Saturday, March 1, 2014

Modenus Top 100 Interior Design Blogs

I want to toast all those who were nominated on the Modenus Top 100 Interior Designer and Architecture Blogs.  I am so honored and humbled to be among a group of professionals of this caliber who are not only talented but genuinely nice people.  Thank You Marilyn Russell for nominating me.  

 My blog was born out of tragedy.  I began writing my blog as many of you know after the death of my son.  I had been a designer since 1998, but in 2009 after Walker's accident, when I wasn't able to meet with clients I started the blog.  I truly didn't want to see anyone, so the blog was a place I could write about design and keep a connection to the design community.  I admit I didn't know what I was doing and had no idea what it would come to mean to me.  I just did it.  In a way, I think it was a form of survival.  I think that's why this nomination means so much to me. 

 I have people ask me all the time what I get out of blogging and why I spend the time to do it.  It's simple!  I have made some amazing friends and been invited on amazing trips. As a matter of fact, I don't think I would be working again, if not for friendships made through my blog.  I wouldn't know the incredibly talented designers Cristin Priest of Simplified Bee and Meredith Heron of Meredith Heron Design

I would not know incredible people like Veronika Miller, visionary and founder of Modenus.  Veronika is more than owner and president of Modenus, she is a genuine friend.

 This picture is our Blogtour Vegas group.  I can honestly say this group of designers have become really great friends.  I know that I could call any one of them for help and they would help me anyway I needed.  Building a community through blogging is huge.  If you are a new designer, I highly recommend taking the time to build this community.   

This picture pretty much says it all.  I'm not sure who I was telling what but I'm behind Marilyn Russell the lady who nominated me.  Guess what...I nominated her first and then she turned around and nominated me in the same contest.  That's the kind of friend she is.  When you have people in your life who have your back no matter what, you have more riches than money can buy.  I cherish my friends I have made through my blogging.  

I pretty much feel like the luckiest girl around, because I have this community of friends and professional peers.  See my friend Carmen Christensen in the background?  She is smiling at me.  Yep, she a real friend too.( and a fab designer!)

  I consider all of my readers real friends too.  It makes my day when I get comments from all of you.  Today, I thank you for voting for me for Top 100 Blogs.  When 5 o'clock rolls around, in about 60 minutes, I will toasts all of you who continue to support me through your comments, reading my blog and all the others ways you have supported me.  I'm sorry it sometimes means you must take time to vote for me in contests, but I genuinely appreciate your support!  I appreciate you!  Thank You!!!


  1. Congratulations Lisa! Such a heartfelt blog - You are an inspiration. Thank you.

    1. Thank You Livia and thank you for voting for me! I am a lucky girl! oxox

  2. Congratulations! What an incredible journey.

    1. Thank You Carla! I so appreciate your kind words!

  3. You are a domestic DIVA Lisa and a force of nature and inspiration to us all. I am hoping to see you in Atlanta!

    1. Oh Liz, you are making me blush! Thank you! I feel the same way about you!

  4. Lisa- A well deserved congrats! Such heart felt sharing you do, in your writing and in person. It's a delight & honor to have come to know you. Here's to more!

    1. You are the totally delightfully one Coyote! Thank you so much! oxoxo

  5. lisa, you deserve every bit of recognition and nomination!

    1. You are so sweet! I'm so excited to finally meet you IRL


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