Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Wish For You!

It occurred to me this morning that we love being in our homes during the holidays, with the fresh tree, twinkling lights, soft music and good smells wafting from the kitchen.  The reason we love this holiday atmosphere is due to the added time and attention we expend in making our homes feel special.  What if we did that all year long?  Can you imagine always having fresh flowers, a live tree or good things baking in the oven?  I don't know about you, but between kids, work and chores, I know I don't always put forth the effort necessary to create a sense of specialness year round in my own home.  I have decided to commit  to making an extra special effort at creating a more nurturing atmosphere in my home in 2014.  I spend so much time making other people's homes special and often my gets a shortened version. 
Will you join me in my efforts to create a more nurturing environment for your family?  There are lots of new things on the horizon for Lisa Mende Design.  Can't wait to share, but for now I must go get ready for church and a day with family!  We have cards, decorations and gift buying to finish.  How bout you, are you ready?  Only 10 more days left til Christmas!

Take time enjoy the moments this holiday season.

  I find if I start with an attitude of joy and don't rush through the events, I enjoy them so much more.    Let's try to set our intentions each morning to  that of thanksgiving,happiness and gentleness towards our fellowman.  It will make a huge difference in your day.  

Happy Holidays!


  1. Nice design ! I live it !
    I just try to make a blog about car, please give me some ideas !

  2. I love this idea, Lisa! I get caught up in business too and I have been especially mindful lately that once a moment is lived it you can't get it back. I have been enjoying my youngest even more because she won't be little forever. My new thing is deciding to be in a good mood before I get out of bed in the morning and it has made for some really great days.
    Have a great Christmas!

  3. So true...enjoy your moments...and I will too :)

  4. Lisa, absolutely, I believe so much in our homes being a nurturing haven. I love the quote above and its warm sentiment.

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  5. I love this post! I was thinking along similar lines recently about how much we love our homes and the whole Christmas atmosphere and trying to pin point why and also why can't this can't be a year round thing. I love your suggestions! I must say that lighting plays a big role in it for me, too. We are planning on using more candlelight and dimmers throughout the entire house.

    1. I think it is also taking time to enjoy our home too don't you think? Lighting definitely plays a role. Thanks for commenting!


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