Sunday, December 1, 2013

December is Here!


It's December 1st.  We made it through Thanksgiving and now on to more holiday fun!
I have many hopes for this holiday season.  One of my wishes for this season is for people to remember the reason for the season and be kind to our fellowman.  I was in town the day before Thanksgiving and several people there were really rude for silly things.  My hope is for everyone to catch the holiday spirit, or at least act as though they have.  There are so many people suffering in the world today.  Some due to natural disasters, others because lack of food and water.  The homeless rate is at an all time high.  There are many who are mourning the deaths of  loved ones.  The holidays can be a time of good cheer, but also a time of sadness if celebrating without our loved ones.  Let's us remember the less fortunate with our donations of time and money.  Christmas is about peace on earth, goodwill towards men!  Let's try to slow down, and enjoy the season with our loved ones.

Via Etsy

P.S.  To keep things light!
I thought this was funny for all of us who are
now exercising off those Thanksgiving lbs.

Via Julia Vold

{Wink, Wink!}

Happy Holidays to you and yours!


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