Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to a Special Lady!

Today is my other Mother-in-law's 90th birthday! 

I saw this print and immediately thought of my Mother-in-law.  Alice is a glass half full kinda person.  Always a smile on her face, Alice has a gift of making the best of every situation because she determined to find the silver lining no matter what.  It doesn't take much to make her happy, just a few blue birds playing in the bird bath in her yard or a butterfly flittering by.  It's the simple things in life that bring her joy. 
Alice or "NeeNee" as my son nicknamed her when he was a baby, loves to garden and spends many hours in her yard.  She motto is  "I would much rather be outside, than inside any day." Alice has taught me a lot about being happy with what you have and making the best of life.  She still takes water aerobics three times a week, so if you say you are too old to exercise don't use that excuse around her.  It won't work!
When I went to buy candles for her cake, I couldn't help but buy 90!  That is 7.5 dozen candles!!! I was tempted to just buy the 9 & 0 but how many times do you actually get to put 90 candles on a cake? Yeah, right? I know it's probably ridiculous to try to do, but I'm going for it!  We have a fun day planned for her!  My boys were so excited tonight when I was cooking and preparing food for tomorrow. Everyone is coming to our house for lunch!  I'll take some pictures on instagram so look out there for peeks of the action! It's going to be a "hot pink" day for the birthday girl!  I can truly say you do live a beautiful life!


Happy Birthday NeeNee!

You are truly a blessing to all who know and love you!
May you live to celebrate many more!

If you are looking for recipes for a birthday or just planning a meal check out the new Food52 website.  The pictures are so beautiful it is truly a feast for the eyes!  I am totally addicted!  Another fun foodie site is My Fridge Food.  You type in the foods you have in your fridge and this site will give you recipes of things you can make from what you have!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. WHat a beautiful tribute for a beautiful lady. Happy Birthday Nee Nee! I hope you have a wonderful day today !
    xo Nancy

  2. So sweet...give her a big Happy Birthday hug from blog-land....have a great day!

    1. Julie, I let her read the comments today and that made her smile!!!

  3. OH, wow, she is beautiful! Happy 90th to your MIL, may she have many more. How special for you and your family.

    1. you are so kind! i have been really enjoying all the pics from Haven!! YOu had major turnout this year! Wish I could have gone!!! So glad for you!!! oxoox

  4. Dear Lisa, Your MIL looks wonderful! I know she will love her birthday and being with your family!

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