Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July Picnic Menu

Ambitious Kitchen

Thai Quinoa Salad with Ginger Peanut Dressing
from Ambitious Kitchen

Happy 4th of July!!!  I hope you are spending the day enjoying family and friends.  My family always gets together for a family meal sometime during the day.  My Parents generously prepare their home and a meal for all of us.  When I say that is a fete in itself, I really mean it.  We have a big family!  Sometimes we have as many as 45-50 for a meal at my parents on holidays.  Luckily, my parent's beach house has a huge garage, where they keep banquet tables set up and ready for us to gather.  Tonight, we are having the traditional 4th menu with hotdogs and all the trimmings.  Mom is a great cook and always has enough food to feed Pharaoh's Army (have you ever heard that ole southern saying?)  My family's business is in the pork industry, so you can imagine how unpopular I was when my finicky system, dictated I become vegetarian my freshman year of college in 1977.  Once I became vegetarian, my medical problems ended, but boy how I miss ham and bacon.  Tofu hotdogs don't taste the same either, so tonight when everyone is eating hotdogs, I will be having this yummy Thai Quinoa salad with Ginger Peanut Dressing.  Thought I would share it with you in case you are looking for something other than the typical pasta salad to have today.  It only takes about 25 minutes to throw together, so it's quick and easy.  I got the recipe from the Ambitious Kitchen.  Pop over there for the recipe by clicking here!  If you need it to be vegan or gluten free she tells you how to do that too!

Enjoy your freedoms today, but be careful if you live with an interior designer!
You might awake to find your self decorated if you sit still too long!

Happy 4th to you and yours!  
As always, I appreciate you for taking your precious
 time to read my blog!  


  1. LISA!!! I have two quinoa salads on my desktop and after searching for better ones was going to give up and just make rice pilaf (they all seemed so FALL / Thanksgivingish). This one is perfect - you have solved my problem. I am so glad that I saw this at just the right time. It looks great and is exactly what I was looking for. I am gluten free and am always looking for good alternatives to pasta and my daughter is Vegan. So excited. I am working this morning (trying to play catch up) and then heading to a neighbors for a BBQ - super excited to bring the new salad!
    Happy 4th to you (and tell your son he is a good sport!).
    xo Sherri

    1. Oh Sherri! I am so happy I could help! Getting ready to make my own! You know what we learned growing up..."Seek and yea shall find"!! Happy 4th!!! Enjoy!

  2. Yum! That looks delicious! I'll have to try making it. :)

    1. Carrie, I made it yesterday and it was actually fun to make. It did take me a little longer than I thought but that was because my husband did the grocery shopping and I forgot to tell him shelled edamame so we had to shell them!


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