Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Power of Pause...

Scrabble Pillows from Bamarang but available on Etsy Here

Source UnKnown







Source Unknown



 I'm at the beach with my family this week.  We always spend the summers at our beach house and this summer will be no different, but we aren't quite ready to be here full time yet.  There is unfinished business in Charlotte, but soon we will be here full time.  For now it's a quick trip for a little breather.  We love to steal away in June before the summer crowds fills the beach.  When July arrives, so does the crazy traffic & no hope of dinner reservations on our little island or quick trips to the fish market.  June is a nice change of pace.  It's rather quiet down here during the week. It's nice to have this gentle pause in our schedules.  Do you take time to pause?  Regroup? Breathe? I always find that I am more productive when I take time for myself.  I like to have morning time before everyone wakes for devotion and reflection. I've also returned to my exercise routine which is giving me more energy.  I been draggin my tired bones into the gym and after an hour, waltz out with a pep in my step.  Amazing how that happens isn't it?  I'm still losing the battle of getting the television out of my living room.  I like to keep the living room for conversation and music.  Unfortunately my crew of men decided it need to be in the living room and out ruled me.  Hopefully this summer, I will regain my media-less space.  I currently planning my summer schedule. It's all about doing those things that we all take for granted.  It's actually very hard to give ourselves permission to do these things.  This summer I am giving myself permission! I will drink in the memories and live off them for years to come.  

Here's some of my bucket list items for summer:


Time with family
Picnic on the beach at sunset
Daily walks on around the point
 Quiet Time
Bike Rides

(of course it's not all fun & games, there will be a little work mixed in)

What's on your summer wish list? How do you regroup?

If you would like to follow me on Pinterest I will be posting Books I Plan to Read,
Coastal Living Ideas and some DIY Projects I plan to do this summer. 

Also, if you follow me on instagram you just might catch some shennigans
like the funny video I just posted of my son on Vine....

Speaking of taking pause...Did you happen to hear Maria Shriver's 
USC Annenberg School of Communications commencement address? It's worth hearing if
you haven't.  

(I like to credit all sources, if any are not correct or need credit and you know the source please let me know)


  1. Hi Lisa I am trying to convince my granddaughter that we can do vacation /beachy things here at home. Go to the pool, have a picnic by the lake, go to the aquarium etc! You have inspired me( Isabella is with me right now and 13!)

    2013 Designers Series
    Art by Karena

    1. karen, that is exactly what I'm talking about! oxox! thanks for reading and commenting! you have the right idea!

  2. Enjoy your break and time with family, Lisa! After a very busy spring, I'm ready to chill.

    1. Thank You Loi! Enjoy your time in Sweden! It's your time to pause and drink in the beauty!

  3. So great Lisa.. I sooo believe in the power of pause thank you so much for sharing this fantastic video, I have to share this with others. Have a fantastic weekend. Miss you Xoxo

    1. Thank You for reading and commenting my sweet friend! oxoxo


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