Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Are You Ready for Memorial Day?

I don't know about you but Memorial Day snuck up on me this year.  We always
spend this weekend at the beach which means I have to plan ahead to have
everything I need for the weekend.  I thought I had another week and realized over the
weekend that I didn't, so I have been mentally preparing.  Do you decorate?
We generally pull out all the flags, light, and anything else we can find to decorate!
We typically have a family dinner sometime over the weekend, so I have been
gathering my thoughts about what to serve and how to decorate.  Here are a few things
I found.  Thought you might like to see too!

Directions on how to make these great colored sand candle holders click here

What's Memorial Day Picnics without cupcakes?  Click Here
for some great recipes!

Pretty Ice cream cone & Waffle bowl set from Pottery Barn

Love these star studded napkins from Pottery Barn

Grandin Road has bunting & other decorations

I'll leave you with a couple of my favorite red, white and blue rooms

Lindsey Coral Harper in House Beautiful

Design by Tobi Fairely & Photographed by John Magor
What ever you have planned for this weekend, I hope it will be spent with those you love!

Happy Planning!!!


  1. I haven't thought about it yet -- still just trying to get through the end of the school year! You're way ahead of me. Love all your ideas!

    1. Well, don't get to excited, all I have done is think and write the post. Haven't bought anything! LOL! My children finish class today and exams start tomorrow, so I hear ya sista! oxox

  2. Lisa,
    Our daughter will have surgery on thursday and we selected this weekend so that she would have time to recuperate so it really won't be the same this year but I know just how very strong she is and things will be fine.
    I need to embrace some red and white to my life to chase away any blues.
    Enjoy the weekend,

    1. Oh Patricia, I will be thinking and you and your daughter on thursday! Praying all goes well!! Yes you do need some red and white!! oxox

  3. I am embarrassed to say that I never really do anything for Memorial day. I pretty much just want to get through the school year. The 4th of July is another story.

  4. Now I want some yummy ice cream with red, white and blue dishes!!!


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