Monday, April 8, 2013

A Little Monday Motivation

Via Lana Kole

 Time for a little inspiration as I roll out the door to work on
final installations for the show house.  It's down to the wire.
Today is officially D-Day for us! Our only day to work this
week until Friday!  Our rooms are to be completed on Friday
by 5:00, so the photographers for Traditional Homes can
begin shooting over the weekend.  Traci and I, have other
obligations, which will prevent us from being at the show
house again until Friday, so we will be working like busy
 little bees today!  I know we will get it done! I have total confidence!  
Actually the issue isn't us, we are waiting on others
 to deliver, but we have full confidence in them as well!
  Come on furniture! Please get there today!!!


 I have always been a stubborn sort.  Tell me I can't do something and I will prove you wrong or die trying.  I truly believe that when you set your mind to something, you can make it happen.  What is it you want to accomplish today?  The only thing holding you back is your belief that you can get it done.  Go for it!  Whether it is a simple task like getting your house straight after a weekend with kids at home, choosing new paint colors or winning that big deal, breathe deep, and take one moment at a time.  Make a plan and work your plan!
Call in the professionals if you need help!  You can get it done! Trust me, sometimes picking up the phone and hiring others is your best plan of action!  If you can't DIY(do it yourself), then HIY (hire it yourself)!
Remember the luggage I found last week in the attic at "Adamsleigh"? If not, you can find a refresher here After a few "yucks, that luggage looks awful", I have to admit I was in a quandary myself.  I put three coats of leather cleaner on it and it still turned  cloudy and gray.  I was beginning to wonder if I need to take it to a shoe shop and get a professional to work on it.  That's when I decided to do a little research (online of course) and change my products from cleaners to dying! Black shoe polish did the trick.   Look at it now! Just like new!   

"Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You may have to readjust your expectations, but you will get done exactly what you make a priority today! 

Go conquer your Monday!!!  


Mark your calendar for April 20th- May 5th

to Visit  "Adamsleigh"

For more information visit the Junior League of Greensboro's

 Show House website here

or for updates and info visit their Facebook Page Here


  1. Hi, Lisa - Waiting anxiously for the big reveal!! Good luck to you and Traci!

  2. Lisa, great inspiration, the case looks amazing!
    I am so excited to see your other project in the works!

    Love and Hugs,
    Art by Karena

  3. Good morning, Lisa! WHAT a great post! I love how you truly are ALWAYS getting things done that seem impossible to do. You're a force of nature and I LOVE you for that pieces!

    I can't wait to see your room on Friday night!

    Have a beautiful day my friend and safe travel back from Arkansas!

    xxoo @tkpleslie


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