Monday, February 18, 2013

What Are You Blog Secrets?

I'm speaking on Thursday in High Point at the Baker Showroom for the Unity In Design Event on how to Blog your business, so I ask you my readers, who are also bloggers, what are your tips?  Give me something to share with my audience.  Do you find that your blog brings you business?  What tips do you use to drive traffic to your blog?  What Social Media tools work best to promote your brand?  Do you practice content marketing?  Do you keep an editorial calendar?  Come on give me the scoop?  Inquiring minds wanna know!!!!!!

Ever have those times when your brain freezes and you really can't think of anything to say? I know I have.
That's when I have a nice walk outdoors, exercise or head to the trade showroom to browse around.

Here are two blog posts that I thought were really great.  One by Lynne Knowlton from Design the Life You Want to Live called, "How to Blog, How to Love and How to Slay a Dragon" and the other from VMac & Cheese called "Blog Tip of the Day", both have some great food for thought. 

I'll share my notes with you once I give my talk on Thursday.
Wish me luck.  I'm fighting a terrible head cold and all I want to do is curl up in my bed and go to sleep! 


  1. Good Luck Dear Friend.
    "Break a Leg!"
    You will do great!

    1. ThankYou Patty!!! Always my cheerleader!!!! How are you?

  2. Great topic, Lisa. I think Pinterest has been wonderful for my blog! It brings lots of traffic to my blog site. Anyone who wants to start a blog should also join Pinterest!!

    And my blog has been fabulous for my shop's website. Also Pinterest has brought activity to my shop's website. (I have a separate blogsite and shop website.)

    More tips: invest in good photos and quality blog post. Write original posts with beautiful photos to attract and maintain loyal readers.

    Enjoy your speaking engagement! Wish I could come and meet ya ;-)

    1. Thank You Loi! I appreciate your response!! All great info! That's why your blog is is awesome! It shows that you put a great deal of thought into it!!! I appreciate your comment!!!

  3. Hi Lisa !
    I would be happy to share some blogging secrets to help you with your talk on Thursday !

    1. It is easy to get 'blogstipated' LOL when you are a blogger, if you get bogged down by the nitty gritty stuff. I love to follow other bloggers who are willing to share insider info to help other bloggers. It is an abundant world. The blogging community is EPIC if you find the right the bloggers to help 'mentor' other bloggers.

    2. Pinterest ! : Learning how to use pinterest has been epic for my blog traffic. 80 % of my social media traffic comes from pinterest. I will write a blog post about that soon. It is super important to verify your blog with pinterest. If you look at mine, you will see a red check mark beside my blog addy. That is how you can tell that a site is verified. This is a BIG GAME CHANGER when you do this. Your followers can go from 1-2 per day to 20-30 per day.

    3. Facebook Page : Have a facebook page to support your blog. Post 2-5 times per day just to be noticed by Facebook. Once you gain over 1000 likes, your facebook page likes will start to increase by over 185 %

    4. Monetizing a blog : There are so many 'traditional' ways of monetizing like blog ads. These networks pay sooooo little. You can make so much more by building relationships with companies, and legitimate affiliates of products that you truly use.

    I hope that helps you on Thursday. This may be the longest blog comment I have ever left in my life time. LOL !

    big hugs and I wish you EPIC success !!!

    Lynne xx

    1. Lynne, I love your blog! Thank you so much for your comment! That is very helpful info I plan to share! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

  4. Good Luck Lisa ... I know you will rock it!! I love the tips you shared via Design the life you want and Vmac & Cheese!! Everyday is a learning adventure!! xo

    1. Thank You Kim!!! I hope you are having a great week! Aren't Lynne and Victoria great! There tips are awesome! Worthy of sharing for sure!

  5. Good morning, Lisa!

    I am wishing you a ton of success in your seminar on blogging the day after tomorrow.

    I have written Furniture's *Retail Ideas* blog for the last 9 years but it is a *to the trade* blog and directed to retailers, not to consumers. However, from working with hundreds of bloggers on various blogger relations campaigns for my social media clients over these past years, here are 3 Top Tips.

    1. If you want to work with brands and/or have the media contact you easily: Have this info at the top right hand corner of your blog and/or website: 1. Social icons 2. Email 3. Phone #. Make it a 1 click proposition for them to contact you. I can't tell you how many editors have shared with me that they click off of someone's website or blog if they have to go searching for contact info -- even if that designer is doing great work.. because they just don't have the TIME to go searching for their contact points.

    2. Use keyword enriched content in your blog to make it easy for the search engines to rank your blog high when consumers are searching for things they do. Write the words that consumers search for... which is frequently not what a designer knows to call something... Ask Jennifer of Deca A Porter how important the keywords of *#mancave* + #curtains* have become to her and her blog getting found...she can tell you a story.

    3. Blogs with large pictures and one or two SMALL blocks of text get shared and commented on much more than blogs with lots of text - no matter how interesting that text may be. Why? People go to blogs -especially design blogs - for a QUICK shot of inspiration or education. A good example of someone who gets this just right is Stacey of Quintessence. Her posts have large, inspirational pictures & educated but, limited, text. Time starved people can go there, see beauty, get a tiny shot of education and be smarter for it.

    I hope this helps you, Lisa, and good luck with your talk on Thursday and I hope you feel better --soon!


    @tkpleslie / Leslie Carothers

    1. All fabulous information Leslie but then you are the master! Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to comment!!! Enjoyed our conversation today! You always amaze and inspire me!

  6. Really very good information and useful..Thanks for info, i’m only new to blogging and trying to grasp it, lists like this definitely help.
    website design


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