Sunday, January 20, 2013

How's the Weight Loss Coming?

I wrote this yesterday and some how forgot to post it!  
I think it was because I was super anxious to get to my FlyWheel class on time!  BTW, Loving FlyWheel!
Here goes....

I'm checking in to see how the weight loss is
going?  This week was a hard one from me. I managed to lose barely a pound, but I dont know how!  I was off schedule and a bit off my diet. I did work out though.  I had a very busy week and next week won't be much better. I leave on Wednesday for AltSummit in Salt Lake City!  It will be an action packed 5 days so I must make a plan, so I don't fail on my efforts to continue on my weight path! What do you do when you have to travel and are watching calories?  Here is a few suggestions that are actually good when you are at home too.

1. Stick to what your programDont' give yourself permission to go off your program just because you aren't at home! Calories count even when traveling. If you do get off program, you will disappointed in yourself when you step on the scales when you return! I use the loseit app

2. Always plan ahead! Have snacks that a range in calories from 60 - 150 at your disposal. Take almonds, trail mix or granola bars with you. Once you get to the hotel, find a corner grocery if possible and load up on some legal snacks like light string cheese, fruit, or  those little 150 calorie snack bags. Here are some great suggestions from Livestrong

2.  Avoid fast food!  Look for better options.  If there aren't any, eat a snack before leaving your room. When eating in the restaurants, always choose fruits and veggies. Their high fiber and water content will stick with you longer and make you feel satisfied longer.  Watch the cream sauces and choose grilled chicken or fish instead.  Most chefs are thrilled to be asked to make a veggie plate or a special creation for guest. Here are some great suggestions for eating out in restaurants!

3. Take a water bottle with you.  Leave with it empty and fill it once you get through airport security. Water will fill you up and keep you from thinking about food. Water is the best thing to drink when flying, a good rule of thumb is 8 oz of water for every hour of flying. Klean Kanteen is one of my fav's. The mouth is big enough to take ice cubes and it stays cold for a long time and doesn't sweat!

4. Exercise!!! Once you get to your destination make sure you get in at least 30 min. of exercise daily!  Most hotels have a work out room, but if not, ask the front desk if there is a gym or yoga studio close by. Or take your workout with you!   I had a friend who always took her jump rope when she traveled with her hubby.  It's lightweight and easy to pack.  Also jumping rope burns major calories! (I have done this on snow days at home when I had little kids too)
Another good travel tip is to combine exercise with site seeing.  Go on a brisk walk or bike ride to see the city.  Here is a workout I do in hotel rooms when I travel.  I also this at home when I am short on time. Click Here for 480 Workout! It's perfect in small spaces.  Naomi really knows how to bring it with this workout!  Try it!  I dare you!

5. Watch the liquid calories!  Being on vacation makes us want to kick back relax and have those enticing fun drinks. Better to stick with diet tonic with a twist of lime, but if you must...get one drink and nurse it as long as possible....The least of the drinks calorie wise are  a glass of prosecco, wine spritzer or diet tonic with vodka & lime, these have less calories than most drinks. As I said, best to just drink the tonic water and instead enjoy the conversation...

These tips are good tips for home as well, so whether you are traveling or at home this week, try these tips and see if they work for you.  I think the most important part of watching your diet is just that, "watching". Stay accountable!   The easiest way to do that is to plan ahead!  Track your calories and exercise!  So make sure to download an app that you can take with you to keep you in line!

Let me hear from you...How are you doing?  Did you have a good week?   Remember, if you want to see what I am doing, I can email you my list!


  1. I am in the January FUNK!! Busy, not motivated ... but you just gave me a good "pop" in the right direction! Have a ball at ALTSummit!! xo

    1. good! glad to hear it! get it done girl! you can do it!!!

  2. Hoping to enjoy some liquid cals with you at ALT Summit. I am so impressed with you.

    When we get back I want to come to Flywheel. A bunch of girlfriends have joined the challenge too.


    1. yes! i would love it if you came! it is so awesome!

  3. Lisa...I had to go off gluten and dairy....I lost 20 pounds within 6 months....Never felt better! Good luck....


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