Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Little Music for Your Listening Pleasure Thanks to High Point Market & Spotify!

  Recently, the High Point Market asked me, as the current High Point Market "Style Spotter" and two of the previous "Style Spotter Winners", my friends Tobi Fairley and Traci Zeller  to choose a trend from the Oct. market for 2013 and make a playlist of songs we felt represented that trend.  There were so many new trends that would have made great playlist, but I decided on "Not So Mellow Yellow"!  That sounded like it could be a fun one to me!  1) Because I do truly love yellow and 2) because I am not so "mellow" myself!  LOL!  

Did I really just say that?

Actually, I chose yellow because, I think its a color we will see a lot in 2013! I predict it will be one of the hottest colors going forward, since it was all over the runways in spring fashion Collections.  The designer's yellows ran the gambit in intensity. There were bright, saturated yellows like taxi cab and canary yellow and there were creamy, soft yellows, but one thing was for sure, yellow was present in almost every collection! Move over  Monaco Blue and Emerald Green, there's a new player in the color trends for 2013 and she's "Not So Mellow Yellow" 

Via The High Point Market Website
Originally, I set out to find songs with yellow in the lyrics, but along the way found a few that I felt spoke to the true essence of the color "yellow" even though yellow wasn't mentioned in the lyrics!  Some are old, some are new, but all are songs these are songs I could listen to over and over (Even though I might be showing my age by including some of them) ...I hope you enjoy!  Please check out my friends Tobi Fairley who chose "The Gold Standard" and Traci Zeller who chose "Black and White" for their trend inspirations.  I love their playlist as much as I do my own!  

Also, You can register for High Point Spring Market
 beginning January 8th!

If you aren't familiar with Spotify Check It out!
It's awesome!

While you are at it Check Out my
"Not So Mellow Yellow" Style Board on Pinterest!

Happy Friday!

Dont' forget to enter The Giveaway on the blog for
Lori Dennis & Kelli Ellis's Design Camp
in Atlanta, Ga on Jan. 30 - Feb 1st

Make sure you follow the rules for entering
 to qualify for the ticket!!!!

Hope to see you in Atlanta, Ga. at
Design Camp on January 30th!!!!

Here's wishing you a fabulous weekend!!!
Next week my new series on "Living Authentically" begins!


  1. Fun idea to associate trend colors with songs!
    You have a full year ahead, girl. ENJOY!

  2. Replies
    1. You are way to sweet to take time from your "big day" to comment on my little ole blog!!! You are awesome!! Love you!!

  3. This is great Lisa!! Love that you were a style spotter. Go team Tobi! Xo

    1. Thanks Kathleen! Team Tobi is the best! Glad to be on the team with you!!!


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