Monday, January 7, 2013

5 Steps to "Living Authentically" / Home!

Today is the beginning of a new series
"Living Authentically" in your home.  I was trying to decide
how I wanted to start this series and then received this video from my friend Paige.  It is the perfect kick off to my new series "Living Authentically!

Please watch!

Now do you agree that "self talk" is half the battle?
 Positive attitudes are contagious aren't they? Don't you want to be like her? Positive attitude is a by product of "living authentically".  If you are doing the things that make your heart sing, you have a positive attitude. your attitude it reflects to others around you.  Let's find what makes you happy so you can begin to live an authentic life.  To find your authentic self, you must come to turns with what being "authentic" really means to you.  Do you know?  


Being authentic to yourself is knowing your inner, truest essence of what you enjoy, what inspires you and makes your heart sing.  


Living authentically is when your core values are reflected in the actions and decisions you make in every aspect of your life. It's not doing something because everyone else is doing it.  It's about being in touch with who you really are! Once you are truly happy with yourself you can then create an authentic home.  Once you find your authentic self,create your authentic home and life reflects who you are, you will be singing like the little girl in the video.   Let's get started!

Questions to ask yourself: 

How do you view your home?  Does it speak to your soul?  Does it meet your needs? Does it meet the needs of your family? Is it in harmony with your very essence or does it leave you feeling anxious, frustrated or aggravated? 

Have you ever thought about what drives your purchases?
 When you choose things for your home, do you  buy things you think will please others? Do you always second guess your purchases?

The genuine path to happiness is not bought with things.  The smallest details of your day can provide you with exactly what you need to be content with your home. What am I talking about?  Well, that is different for each of us, so you must find it out what that is for yourself.


The road to building an authentic life is done one way!  One step at a time! It doesn't happen without time, work and introspect.  


You must find out who you are, before you can possibly know what you want out of life. Are you ready to get started on your journey to making your home and authentic?

Let's Do it!

Here's your homework for today!

Pick a pretty notebook and claim it for this series.  Call it "Living Authentically" or whatever you like. I would suggest a notebook that you can add loose leaf pages to or vinyl sleeves that way you can always add to the book anything your heart desire.  It's a great place to keep all your thoughts/projects/etc for your home.

Here's what your notebook will be like:
(for now, we will add more sections as we go along)

Section #1 
 Goals for my home/family

Section #2 Current Projects:
Make a page for each month of the calendar year
January - December

Section #3: - Accomplishments:
Make a page for each month of the calendar year
January - December

To Start: 
Write the following questions in your book in Section #1 and answer them honestly.  Each time you read a question, take note of where your mind goes first.  That will tell you what you really think about the questions. We will take each of these questions and discuss them, but first you must answer them for yourself.

 Section #1 Needs/Inspirations/Budget/Values/Goals/ 

1) What are your needs and the needs of your family-
    functionality, dreams, etc.
2) What inspires you?  Colors, fabrics, art,
    scripture, music, nature, etc.
3) Budget - How much money do you have to spend
4) What values are important for your family?
5) What are your goals for your home?

 Section #2 Current Projects:

January - 5 Goals/Projects for your house -
write down 5 projects you want to accomplish this month

 Section #3 -Accomplishments

January 31st - What did I accomplish this month - on the last day of the month we are going to look over our projects and see what we accomplished.

Once you do this you are on your path to creating an
 authentic home for you and your family!!!

It's going to be a fun month!  I can't wait to see
 what we accomplish together!  Meet me back here tomorrow to hear about my word of the year and more!  We discuss our notebook again on Wednesday! If you don't get your notebook done til the weekend, don't worry, it's fine! No pressure, you can catch up on the post any time.  The important thing is to really think through the questions.


Don't forget to Enter to Win a Ticket for 
Design Camp with Lori Dennis and Kelli Ellis
In Atlanta, Ga Jan. 30th - Feb 1
It's going to be awesome!  Details to Enter Here!!!!
Make sure you follow the rules for entering to qualify!!!!


  1. Lisa, I love your outline for the journal! I started my abundance journal last week and it has a similar outline. Twice a day, I read the opening prayer, my goals for the year, for the month and then add my gratitude in the morning and triumph in the evening. It's great to get everything on paper and then review/add on a daily basis to help you reach your goals and stay on track. Love ya!

    1. Thanks Leslie for commenting! This is just one part of my goal to create Living an Authentic Life On my blog! I am really excited! Happy New Year!!!

  2. Absolutely LOVE your thoughts behind this series! I am in a very similar state of mind as I start the new year. I will be checking in throughout your series...can't wait to get some good direction!

    1. So glad you like it Beth! Thanks for your kind comments and for stopping in!

  3. You have wonderful features for 2013....Go Girl!

  4. I love this!! I just wrote a post today about "style words", and have been thinking a lot about how to make our home more "us". Can't wait to make my notebook and get started! :)

    1. Thanks Carrie! I will have to pop over and read your blog too! So excited you are joining in!! Happy New Year!

  5. What a great idea...I think I'm going to do it to....

    1. Yay! I am so excited! it will be fun to see what we discover!

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Terrific idea! It will be very fun and interesting!

    Art by Karena

  7. Lisa, that video is so infectious! I LOVE It, thanks for sharing, and wishing you the best year ever! Wonderful ideas and you are really giving me inspiration. Im going to write some things down right this minute. Have a great week!
    xo Nancy

    1. Isn't she the cutest ever? I love it! Thanks for you kind comments! Popping over to see what you & Bethany are up too!


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