Thursday, October 4, 2012

Do You Have The “Gisele Bundchen effect.”

Recently The Globe and Mail published an article written by Adriana Barton, "Obsessed with home decor? You may have self-image problems."  Women are comparing themselves and their homes to others to the point of causing self esteem issues.  Has the onslaught of home design tv shows and websites like Pinterest, helped us or made us feel  inept?    Can you believe that in one year, Pinterest  has gone from  1 million visitors a month to 21 million a month!  This growth has been caused mainly by the home decor industry.   We like to see what's out there and what others are doing.  There has been lots of conversations from bloggers about how blog make life look perfect but often the blogger feels far from perfect.  Many bloggers have gone so far as posting a picture of a messy home or sharing their insecurities to let their readers know that "life isn't perfect" in blog land.  Blog posts about "real life" always get loads of comments from readers.  I think has become a real issue for many people.  As women, we often feel our home is an extension of ourself image, just like our weight and our clothing.  We may not be able to lose 50 lbs in a day, but we can go out and buy those killer lamps that somehow makes us feel better about ourselves.   I know that I have been guilty of this in my own home.  I ask you to go read the article and tell me what you think?  Has this been an issue in your life?  How can we change this?


  1. So agree with here. We really do have to keep balance here. I could take a picture of my studio if someone wants to feel better, lol. Great post, Lisa.
    Happy Thursday,

    1. Good for you Teresa! Balance is the key!

    2. Teres I want to see a picture of your studio!!!
      xo Nancy

  2. Enjoyed this post, Lisa. Made me go 'hmmmmm'. I live in small home that is constantly a work in progress. I'm always hesitant to post pictures of my own home. It doesn't lower my self-esteem though.

    1. I know Linda! It might not lower our self esteem but it does take a lot of our brain power, right? The question is do we want our houses to look good because we love things right or feel inept or frustrated if it doesn't?

  3. This is a great issue to talk about and I am glad you brought it up. It is very sad to me and why I struggle sometimes with my design career. It kills me to see clients lose sleep, have anxiety, and more importantly, fight with each other over getting new and better things. We are really going down a slippery slope I feel, this constant needing more and more and also the comparison thing. I agree that Pinterest is the best and the worst - The best when it comes to getting great ideas and being inspired, and the worst for breeding insecurity and the feeling of inadequacy. I can be quite content with what I have and my creative talents until I see all the better ideas out there.

    1. Totally agree Sherri! Pinterest is a slippery slope for time suck too isn't it! Like Teresa said I think balance is the key!

  4. I think this is probably so true of most of us and what really comes to mind is that the grass is always greener... I have slowed down on Pinterest mainly due to lack of time but I can understand something like that having grown exponentially. Unfortunately, we live in a society that is all about consumerism. I have to take a look at this article.

  5. As for Pinterest....I don't pay attention to Pinterest....(ALTHOUGH I WILL DURING MARKET AND SPOT #9)
    I prefer sitting and looking at my mags! Keeping a Board on my computer with tons of pictures of rooms that I liked doesn't do it for me.

    I know what makes me feel good in our Bucket List House. Most, don't "get" what our style is! I'm a misfit here in SunCity Peachtree. We don't have a ceiling fan or a recliner! EVERY OTHER HOME HERE, NOW UP TO 600, has at least one of each!!!! They think I am nuts! I have two cowhide rugs! They are waiting for the moose head to appear over the fireplace. I feel comfortable in what we have created and know that we can't have it, Designer Perfect! I've learned to accept that. MC and I work on what we can do and afford. Maybe I don't see the imperfections, but I basically like what I see. I mentioned to a friend this afternoon, that I know the seats on our dining chairs aren't "right", but I don't "see" them. I see the room and look beyond them. Maybe someday we will recover them to be perfect..right now ....not a priority!
    I love the process of the evolving change in our home. It's fun! Designing one's
    homes is best left to being fun along with expressing yourself. It looses that if you feel you have to have it look like Veranda!

    Wow I have said way too much...One great Post Lisa, and a great lesson.

  6. Fantastic topic! I don't feel the need to go out and buy expensive home decor to make myself feel better - but I absolute eat sleep and breathe design and decorate for myself and for others because I can't imagine doing anything else. As for comparing my home and work with others - I guess wisdom comes with age because I realize now that there is no right or wrong - just what appeals to each person. Great post, Lisa. Glad I got to weigh in!

  7. I have worked with clients that have the hardest time making a decision because they are inundated every minute by the next best and greatest trend. it is frustrating ... I try very hard to work with my clients' personalities and make certain we invest in things that they will love for a lifetime. It's what I do and I love it ... but I do try very hard not to treat them or the money they invest as frivolous. Great thought provoking topic that I am certain caused many of us to stop and think! xo

  8. Everything in life requires balance and an inner sense of self and self preservation. It is very easy to let yourself slip into self-esteem issues if you are constantly comparing in any aspect of your life.

    As someone once said...there will always be somebody thinner, someone richer, someone younger...and now we can include...someone with a better foyer! ;)

  9. Ok I read it and I totally don't agree with some points of the article. I would have to say that many of us who blog or pin do it as a creative outlet and that wasn't touched on at all. There are people who will take anything to the extreme but I think most of us get that it isn't the end all be all. As for Pinterest I try to look at it as a happy place where I can have fun seeing a new idea or reading a quote that inspires me. Great topic the ladies above said...balance...but a little design never hurt anyone!

  10. Hi, Lisa -
    I agree and disagree. But it is a very interesting article, for sure. When I take photos of our home and garden for my blog, I tend not to show the mess....not because I am embarrassed or wanting to hide it. I love to be inspired by blogs, shelter magazines, books and Pinterest....and hope someone will be inspired by my blog. It's not for everyone, and that's ok :)
    Hope you are doing well!
    Take care,

  11. Certainly a thought-provoking article. I think in any area of life you will have people who take things (intentionally or not) to the extreme.

    Ms. Barton's article is a good present-day take on "keeping up with the Joneses."

    Thanks for sharing Lisa.



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