Monday, October 1, 2012

Guess What Today Is....

Via Seasonal Love

Martha Stewart

Art With a Story/Mclaughlin Designs

paperandpalette on etsy

October is a seasonal time of transition.  As with the seasons, we all go through transition in our lives.  Puberty, college, marriage,babies,empty nest, divorce and death are a few of the most noted forms of transition in life, but there are many others.  How we handle times of transition is up to the individual.  We can embrace life's changes to become stronger people or we can choose to be victims.   The quote above is from Elizabeth Edwards, deceased wife of politician,John Edwards.  I had the opportunity to meet Elizabeth only month before she died.  I told her how much her book Resilience, had meant to me after losing my own child.   We talked about divorce, death,our "new normal" and our children.  She mentioned how grateful she was that John had left work, that day to take Emma Claire her book bag, while Elizabeth was away.  I couldn't help but be totally amazed by her composure and grace.  I asked her to share her secret  to remaining positive in trying times. She said for her, the key, was to remain grateful.  She said she spent time daily in her a favorite chair  reading devotionals and having quiet time.  "Spending time reflect is important" she added.  How often do you start your day spending time in your favorite spot reflecting, being grateful?  Do you have one?  If you don't have a cozy corner check back tomorrow.  I have a few suggestions you might want to consider.

Until then be grateful, Happy Monday!

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  1. That is a beautiful post and your conversation with Elizabeth Edwards! It's true we are not grateful enough! Hope your October is a lovely one Lisa.
    xo Nancy

  2. I am sure you make Walker so proud! Love this post and it came at such a perfect time for me!

  3. Lisa,
    Such wise words about being grateful and I think it's especially poignant given your own loss.

    I have no reason today to feel anything but thank you for that inspiration!! Now, I just need a cozy corner in which to start my day.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  4. Thanks for such a beautiful post to begin our week, Lisa. I try to remember to take the time to be thankful every day - really puts the stressful things in life in perspective! Happy Monday!

  5. Beautiful words and advice. It's amazing how gracious Elizabeth was regarding the hurt she was feeling. Not everyone could do that.
    You know I'll be back tomorrow!
    I'm all signed up and ready to follow you at Market.

  6. Thank you Lisa…I am grateful for your reminder today!!!

    Looking forward to your Style Spotting!!!

  7. Elizabeth Edwards was such and inspiration and the ultimate model of grace. How wonderful you were able to talk with her. Thanks for this post, Lisa.

  8. What a beautiful post and at such a perfect time for me. Your grace is an inspiration to me and I am proud to call you my friend. My corner has a view of the sun at about 10 when it begins to sparkle through the tree tops...I thought of it when reading your post and remembered how grateful i am to have friends like you to remind me to stop and reflect!

  9. Being grateful is so important. We all have so much to be thankful for. I loved Elizabeth Edwards and was so saddened by her illness and death. She left a great legacy for her children.
    Thank you for this candid and lovely post.
    Happy Tuesday.

  10. Lisa, what a beautiful post. We just had our first grand baby. We are so thankful, she came into this world healthy and beautiful. What a blessing....

  11. Beautiful post Lisa! I totally agree with you October being a time of transition and reflection. Elizabeth Edwards was a beautiful lady and what a strong woman.


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