Friday, September 21, 2012

What Does Your House Say About You?

Photography by Kim Christie
"There are those who spend lifetimes in houses that have nothing to do with who they really are. They may be perfectly designed, yet if they fail to reflect the personalities of the people who live in them, the very essence of intimacy is missing and this absence is disturbingly visible." ~ Rose Tarlow

When you decorate your home do you take into consideration that your home tells a story of the people who live there?  Do you consider the varied interest of your family members?  When you redecorate your kid's rooms, do you ask what color they would like to paint it?  If they have any ideas they would like incorporated?
Do you have a family wall?  A gallery of family photos?  A shelf with everybody's favorite book displayed?  If not, consider each room and what story you think that room tells.  If your house isn't a reflection of the people who live there, what does it reflect?  We find comfort in familiar surroundings.  Places that make us feel welcomed and at home.  You deserve a special place with all your favorite things and so does your family.  It's the little things in life that bring us the most joy!  
I challenge you to put your home to the authenticity test.  Let me know what you find?  Does it reflect your family?  I have some ideas that could make your house unique to your family.  We will be discussing those ideas next week!  

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Lisa, darling post. I hope my home reflects my family. These last few years I decided to hang all our art and unleash the talent we have in our family. I never did that before, I hung everyone else's art but ours.. Then I started putting out more family photos and my mom's things, etc. I hope you are well and have a great weekend.
    xo nancy

    1. Nancy, I love the idea of having your family's art displayed! I would love to see pics!

  2. Well Lisa, I have gotten over the Staging for Sale part of my life and feel comfortable with the family faces out! (It was hard, very hard!)
    I have always had Erica's art in prominent places......most of our accessories are our Asian treasures from MC's previous life and our one son's present one.
    Looking forward to your ideas next week.....
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I've seen your goodness! You have lots of family treasures sprinkled about Patty!

  3. I think a home that doesn't represent the people that live there has no "soul"...I am a huge believer in personal Art, family galleries, keepsakes from special trips and moments, etc etc....nice post!

    1. I agree Emily! Since Walker died I have fallen down on framing and hanging my children's art but am working on that now!

  4. My home is constantly in flux. Some rooms perfectly reflect my/our personal style while a couple of others have been neglected or are in transition. I love original art, hard cover and coffee table books, friends and family pictures, lots of pillows and candles, live plants and fresh flowers (whenever!)....Excited to read your series next week. Great idea, Lisa.

    1. Our homes are always in transition aren't they Linda? Mine is! Your's sounds lovely!

  5. lisa, I so enjoyed your piece in house of fifty. a million thanks for sharing yourself with us! donna

    1. Thanks Donna! Am I going to meet you at High Point in Oct?

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    1. Thank You so much for your comment! Yes, you can sign up on the right of the sidebar where it says:
      PLEASE SIGN UP TO FOLLOW ME BY EMAIL HERE.. I would love to have you as a regular reader! Have a great day!

  7. Lisa, my home is forever changing. My hubby usually lets me do what I want. I do take his opinion seriously. If he doesn't like it I don't do it, but it is rare that he dislikes something.

    1. Mine is always changing too Julie! I get bored with my stuff!!! My husband just shakes his head and says whatever! He is like yours!

  8. We definitely have our family's artwork and photos and interests (sports, cooking, Paris) on display...makes it "our" home...and my addiction to pillows is also apparent! Have a great

    1. You home is so beautiful! I love that you have such a heart for family! Have a great sunday!

  9. My house right now is in major flux, but I think that is a total reflection of my life as well!! Things are changing, My Father may be coming to live with us for a short time and our second daughter is looking at colleges as she'll be moving out next year. I am trying to keep it sane for all of us ... I do have many "in progress" projects that I am determined to finish before the end of the year so we can all enjoy each other in our home!! looking forward to seeing your ideas! xo

    1. Kim,
      My house is always in a flux! That just seems to be what we do right? You have a lot of big items on your plate right now! Good luck!

  10. Looking forward to your ideas! One of my favorite things that makes my boys' room truly theirs is that I have their artwork framed and hung over their beds.

    1. Thanks Traci! I would love to see your boy's rooms!

  11. My house says I have a four year old, a crazy life and a happy life. LOL. Can't wait to read you thoughts!

  12. Great post, Lisa! I hope our house reflects us. We love to fill it with antiques, art and items from our travels, etc. I can recall where we found each and every item. Even the cooking pots, etc :)

    1. You remember Loi because you chose each piece with care! That is what a curated home is all about and you my friend definitely know about that!


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