Saturday, September 1, 2012

Finding Peace....

 What does finding peace mean to you? How do you connect to your inner self?  To some, it is listening to the roar of the ocean, to others it is a good book in a quiet corner or cooking that wonderful homemade pasta dish for your family. Often these rituals allow us to relax and escape the chaos of everyday life.  The hum drum of the schedules and demands of a noisy world tend to clog our thoughts and create anxiety in our worlds.  We all need to de stress, relax and find our sanctuary. Is your home a haven that allows you to listen to your inner voice?  If not, the question is why?  Our homes should have a corner or a room that allows us to connect to our authentic self.  Peace means different things to each of us. Over the course of the next several weeks I am going to discuss what it means to create this environment in your own home and how you can find peace. Coming from a place of grieving,  I have first hand experience in how to create an environment of peace in a home. I want to share with you my thoughts and ideas of how you can do the same.  If you are coming from a place of grief, loss or rebuilding, there are things you can do to help with the process.  If you are a new mother, a busy professional or an elder learning to recreate a life after retirement, there will be nuggets for you as well.  Life is too short not to live authentically and experience the calm we all need to live life to the fullest!

Take a few minutes today to look around your home. Have you created an environment of renewal?  If not, begin thinking about ways you can.  Next week will  looking at ways to create our own sanctuaries. 
"Your home - whether big, small, or somewhere in between - should be your sanctuary, a place where stress is left at the 
door and your soul is nurtured." ~ Andrew Weil

The art above was a gift from my friend Edna when I lost my son. 
It has continued to be a source of comfort to me during my healing.
Do you have a saying or reminder that picks you up when you read it?


  1. Lisa, I'm looking forward to this "series". What you have in store for the old, retired??? so..politely put as recreating life after retirement.

    1. You are so kind Patty! I am so happy you won the glassy baby!! will order and have shipped to you on tues. as monday is a holiday!!!! Elephant it is!!!

    2. Lucky Patty! Congratulations on the Elephant!

    3. Thanks Linda! YOu are special! I hope you are having a great weekend!

  2. I like this post! I am going to go at least pick up my house right now!!!!

    1. You are too funny! I miss you! After you pick your house up you can come pick up mine!

  3. I just pinned your Peace sign at the top of the post. I am looking forward to your new series. I am a devotee of inspired and inspiring spaces, places, books, people, etc. The key to happiness is authenticity.

  4. Just looking forward to reading your new series Lisa. Could not have come at a better time! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank You! I hope it is good! Have a great weekend!

  5. What a great series Lisa! I am looking forward to learning from the "nuggets" of wisdom you provide! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Liz! Hope you are having a great holiday weekend!

  6. I like this! I think that everyone should be able to walk in their home and receive a feeling of peace and sanctuary. That is what HOME is. For me, it starts with visual peace (I guess that is the designer in me) so that when I come home I can feel the weight of the world (and lots of client decisions and images in my head) diminish. I guess that is why I have always gravitated to a lot of white in my space - to me it feels calming - and no clutter. When my surroundings feel peaceful, I have a better chance of letting go of the rest. I was just at a client's home ... one that I re-designed last year and she had the same peace quote in her living room. What I loved about it was that she put her own personal touch on a very "styled" living room I had left her with (I always love the client's personal touches) and that she chose the quote about peace.

    1. Thank YOu for sharing that Sherri! I agree with everything you said. I do think white is calming!

  7. I am soooo peaceful today. Happy sounds from the kitchen...ocean breezes making my bedroom drapes billow. Happy Sunday to you.

    1. That sounds so peaceful and lovely! I'm doing the same! Thanks also for your acknowledgment of my loss. It means a lot!

  8. PS. I did not know about your son and I am sorry for your loss.

  9. Lisa, I just lost my Mom ... and although a different loss from yours I am fresh in the feeling. I am so sorry for what you have been through but know that you are helping so many with your insight. Don and I have our sunporch ... it is our sanctuary ... the rest of the house can be falling down, but we are wrapped in warmth in our favorite room!! hope you are having a wonderful labor day weekend. xo

    1. kim, i am so sorry for your loss! it is so hard to lose our loved ones. I am glad you have your porch! Thinking of you!

  10. You are just the interior designer to guide people through times of transition in their lives! xoxo!

  11. Thanks Traci! You are a great friend and helped me figure that out!

  12. What a great post Lisa. I am sorry about your son..
    I wish you peace this week!

  13. Love this Lisa!! I love how you guide others to think of their homes as sanctuaries, sweet friend. Have a blast in NYC!


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