Saturday, August 25, 2012

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due With Photographs

This past week, I found myself in bed, flat of my back with double pneumonia.  
It was poor timing to be stricken with this horrid illness.  I was vying in the High Point Market Olioboard Contest for the 9th Style Spotter,  therefore, I knew more eyes than usual would be on my blog.  The problem was I didn't feel like writing the blog.  I had such a migraine headache it was painful to even look at the computer screen, but I felt I had no choice than to produce a post. In retrospect, I should have stayed in bed and rested.  Why?  I wrote the post, but took a shortcut and posted the "photos as courtesy of Pinterest".  I had gotten them off Pinterest and when I clicked on them to find the source, it went to a blog, so I assumed the blog had given the proper credit.  Rather than do what I normally do and track the source down, I took the shortcut.  When I see photos on other blogs,I typically  pop over to Pinterest and find the photo to locate the source, so I knew my readers could do that as well.  I typically don't do that.  I generally always find the source and credit.  It was definitely poor judgement on my part.  I have learned my lesson.  if I don't feel up to completing a post with proper research, I won't post.

  Here are the photos that were featured in Better Homes and Gardens , allow me to correct my mistake and give proper credit
 where credit is due:

This photograph was taken by Rob Brinson, it is the work of
Melanie Turner, Interior Designer and  styled by Annette Joseph 

This photo was taken by Rob Brinson, it is the work of
Melanie Turner, Interior Designer and styled by Annette Joseph.  

I must say that I totally admire this trio's work.  A very talented group of people who deserve total recognition for their hard work.  I invite you to click on their names and visit their website to see more of their amazing work.  

Why am I writing this post now?
I want to thank Annette Joseph, the stylist, who brought my attention to my lack of professionalism, in not providing  the proper credit for the photos.  I am thankful that she spoke out.  It made me realize how often it is taken for granted that the designer, stylist, photographer's work is there for us to use, because it is readily available on  Pinterest.  This is a fallacy with Pinterest.   It is not right and needs to be corrected.  We are the only ones who can correct this.  Although, it has been a while since I had something photographed, due to my sabbatical while grieving,  I currently have  projects in the pipeline that  will be photograph in the near future for the website I am creating.  I wouldn't want someone to use those photographs and not credit me.

How good are you at giving credit where credit is due?
 Do you always search for the source and properly credit?

I ask all bloggers to make sure you credit the designer,
 the stylist and the photographer when using their work.
I myself will strive to have more original content due to this issue. 

When we don't give proper credit, it really is taking something that isn't ours.  
The money spent on this type of work is very expensive.  We all love seeing beautiful work like this and that is why we want to share it on our own blogs, when we are talking about a topic, but we do need to give proper credit!
 I will never post a photograph again without properly crediting the source.

 If you are a blogger, I ask you to join me in efforts to
properly credit photographs used on your blog.


  1. I just started my blog Lisa and this is good info.Thanks for the share. Allie

    1. Ooops Gotta Go Give Credit Where Credit is Due! Thanks for Reminder!

    2. Good for you Taffy!! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. You have educated me Lisa. I was under the impression that if it was on Pinterest it was OK to use.

    1. Pinterest is not a credit Linda. We do need to be more astute with giving credit.

    2. My ignorance is no excuse....I'll endeavor to track down the original source.

  3. Great reminder, Lisa! I always trace a photo back to the original source and give as much credit information on my blog as the original source has available. I also don't repin on Pinterest if I can't trace it back to the original source. It's just what makes me comfortable with pinning!

    1. Smart Traci, I am glad I was reminded. I think it is a real problem in blogland and I for one will do proper crediting for sure.
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Lisa, you're a big person. And I don't mean physically. ;)

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  6. I have never published a photo on my blog without credit but I mostly use original content. It really bothers me to see credit not given where it is due. The point is, we all need to try harder or just not publish the photo. I am glad you wrote this!

  7. Lisa, you are so right.I try to give credit or ask for permission before I post. I respect your integrity and Love the fact that you went back and gave credit. Thanks for everything, Julie

  8. Just glad you are feeling better! I loved the post by your son! Too cute! Cheers! Nicole

  9. Hey and congrats for winning! Rock on!

  10. Congratulations on your win!! And a great post, it is so important to give credit where credit is due, even though it is a lot of extra work in many instances, taking time. We all take shortcuts from time to time, but I appreciate your bringing up this topic.

    Here's a link to a post I wrote on how to find the source of virtually any image, if anyone is interested:

    Again, congratulations!! Janell

    1. Thanks Janell. It is important and thanks for the link! I bookmarked it!

  11. This is a great and much need post and I appreciate your words and integrity and will take everything you said to heart. Congratulations on your well deserved win and thank you also for you kind comments on my blog today. xoxo

    1. Thank You Sherri! I appreciate your kind words as well! I enjoy your blog! You are so talented!

  12. As always a well informed post and much needed. It is so easy to pin, but so time consuming and difficult to hunt for the source. I do not repin, but I will keep a closer eye on giving credit where credit is due. Very nice blog post.

  13. We all make mistakes, Lisa, and you were very professional and humble in publicly correcting your mistake. I applaud you for that! Giving proper credit can often be very difficult with so many different social media outlets and you have brought it to our attention again how important it is to search until we find the proper source. Congratulations again on your win! AND btw...who is the dog in the picture??? Has anyone given him any credit?? :)

    1. Thanks Mimi! Haha! We do need to credit that dog don't we? He is the star!

  14. Awesome post Lisa. I believe in the same and really think we all need to be more diligent. I hope you're feeling better and I am sorry for your loss, Lisa. I just read that it was your son you lost. Oh my goodness, I don't know how you can function. I cannot imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and I pray it gets easier every day.
    xo Nancy

    1. Thank You Nancy! It has been a journey. I am feeling stronger everyday! Only been back to work 6 months, so still have lots to do to get my business up and running as it was before I took my sabbatical. Thanks for your prayers and for reading and commenting!


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