Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Fabulous Giveaway!!! & I Need Your Vote for High Point Style Spotter!!!

Today feels like a "Groundhog"  kind of day! Do You remember that movie? He did the same thing day after day?  

Well, that's what I have to do for the next 20 days and I am asking you to do the same thing!!!  I was nominated last Monday to participate in a contest sponsored by  Olioboard for the October High Point Furniture Market   "Style Spotter."   Here is my design board in the competition and here is the link:

The only way I can win is with your help!  I really don't want to be a pest, but I KNOW THE ONLY WAY I'LL WIN IS WITH YOUR SUPPORT!  Voting is open from August 1-Aug. 22.  during that time you can vote once daily EVERYDAY!!! 

I would love it if you would post the link to my design board on your blog, Facebook, tweeter or any other way you want to help me get votes!  And because I now this is a real bother, I have arranged for a fabulous......

 yesterday, I announced you could enter to win a
 glassybaby valued at $44!

 ... the pot just got sweeter!  Also being given away is this fabulous artfully illustrated personalized monogram by my dear friend and amazing artist,
 Patricia van Esche of PVE Design  
valued at $150!!!  

You can read all about it here! 

Thank you Patricia! If you don't know this talented artist/blogger please go check out her wonderful website!  She is not only a talented artist but
a beautiful person as well! 

All you have to do to be entered is to vote for my design board here!  The more times you vote, the more times you will be entered for win one of the fabulous prizes above! 

 So make sure you vote once a day til Aug. 22nd!!!!

Voting is Easy!!!!!
If you don't have an Olioboard acct., they will ask you for a username and password to prove you are legit! Then go to the contest & choose Style Spotter contest, then find my board, it's called Aqua Delight, under the picture and to the right is a heart with a plus mark (+) in it, click on the heart, then it turns into a checkmark, to show you voted and voila, I am one step closer to winning!  While you are there, play around a little! You will love OlioboardTomorrow, I am going to explain more
 about how to use it!  

The winners will be announced on Aug. 23, the same day the winner of the Style Spotter Contest will be named!
Now Go Vote So You Can Win
 (which will help me win!) 



  1. Groundhog Day ......That's too funny!
    I have it bookmarked on the top of the page!! First thing I do when I open up my computer....
    The Illustrated Personalized Monogram is GORGEOUS!!! LOVE...LOVE....LOVE IT. And the artist is a "Patricia" !!! Great name!!

  2. Voted! Will make a reminder to vote daily. Good luck Lisa!

  3. You've got a nice lead Lisa. I'll alert as many people as possible to keep it going. How awesome to be a Style Spotter contender. Much luck!

  4. Just voted, Lisa! Hope you win! :)



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