Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guest Post at Denise McGaha Interiors...

Today, I am over at Denise McGaha's blog
guest posting on tips for "Designing on a Deadline"
Denise is the "Design on a Deadline Diva"  She
shares tips on her blog for designing on a deadline which are some of the best I have heard, even as a designer, I am constantly learning tricks from her.
Please go over to Denise's blog and visit! You will love her blog and Denise.  She is a sweetheart! Denise is from Dallas,Texas and is one of my Tobi Fairley Mastermind friends. We connected online several months ago, but didn't actually meet in person til May at blogfest 2012 in New York in .  Make sure you go over and see the talent that abounds at Denise McGaha Interiors. 

To refresh your memory about Denise,
click here to be wowed again by the awesome kitchen she designed for The Texas State Fair, that I blogged
 about in April.


  1. Lisa. Wonderful hints. I am immediately commissioning "MC" to rehang our home made drapery panels. We bought Damask silk fabric that MC used Iron 0n tape for the hems and sides. He then made drapery poles, (even the brackets) that he spray painted gold. We hung the drapes through them, but what an ingenious idea to rehang them with rings. He's going to be so happy to hear about his new project :) Just need to convince him! Your hints were right on. Patty

    1. Good for you Patty! You are so lucky to have such a good helper!!!

  2. HI, Lisa, thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. So nice to meet you! Looks like we have a lot in common.

    1. Yes we do Rhoda! I have been reading your blog for a while and love it! You are so talented! I love the relationship you have with your precious parents!

  3. Thanks Ellie Bea! I am headed over to check you out now! Thanks for stopping by!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Check out Denise Julie, you will love her! She is awesome!!!!

  5. Lovely post ... i loved your post so much :)

    1. Thank You Peter! I appreciate your kind comment! Happy New Year!


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