Monday, May 7, 2012

May 8, 2009, The Day My Life Changed Forever...

"Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon;
 and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."  - Rossiter Raymond

Three Years Ago Today, You Claimed Victory in Eternity.
You were my first born, the one who made me a Mother!
  I know it was a rough ride for you, but you paved the way for your sister and brothers.
  I can still hear your voice in my head.  "Hey Mama" in that silly voice you would use.
You were on my to do list on the very last day you were on Earth.  I have had to resist driving through 
the bank drive through just to tell the ladies hello for you.  I still find myself wandering through
 the polo section at the mall to see which shirt I think you would like.  You will always be in my
 heart and on my mind.  I am thankful that you don't have to live on this broken Earth, but selfishly
 I really miss you! One day I will see you again, but until I do I will cherish every
 memory I have of you my son.  I love you with all my heart.....

 Last Thanksgiving at the cabin..

Sissy with Walker...big buddies!
Always watching over her, now more than ever...

Levi, your dog...

The rodeo at Auburn...

Thanksgiving 2008

When you left for Auburn, I thought my heart would break.  I worried that I hadn't taught
you everything you needed to know, but it didn't matter. What you didn't know you
figured out on your own.  Silly me for thinking otherwise.  I looked forward to your
graduation.  We were so proud of your sister walking for you.  We wish you
could have been there, but we held our heads high!  I looked forward to you coming 
home.  I looked forward to your wedding, your babies and all the moments in life that 
was left to live.  I feel cheated in so many ways, but then I remind myself the
you are right where I have always dreamed of going and where I have prayed
my children would go.  There is no greater place than at " His feet"!  You just got there too fast.
You always were one for skipping all the steps with everything you did in your short 22 yrs.
You always went for the gusto didn't you?  I remember you telling me that we had to live
with no regrets.  Those words ring in my ears now.  
So today I will simply say,  " War Eagle Son, War Eagle"!

Memorial Service at Auburn May 2009

You will be missed at every family wedding, holiday and meal.  
There will be an empty chair at our table, but your presence will be felt.

Our hearts will never be the same, but we are all better for having had you in our lives.  

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on 
wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint"
Isaiah 40:31

I know you are having the best time of your life!  One day we will see you again...

But until then...... This one's for you Walker...

Family is too precious to take for granted...Love them always and cherish all the moments, good and bad, for once they are gone, all you have are those precious memories.
                                                                                                             -elizabeth hinson

Thank you God for loaning me such a wonderful son! 

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  1. Lisa,
    How beautiful is Walker's light that still shines on in your heart and those around you continue to shine on with his love.
    -"Our help is the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth."
    Psalm 124:8

    1. You are truly an Angel on Earth! I am so happy and honored to call you friend!

  2. Lisa, what a beautiful tribute to your son. Brings tears to my eyes. I am thinking about you today and praying for your family. What amazing faith you have to get you through. May God bless you especially today.

    1. Thank you Christina! He was a joy! May God Bless you today as well!

  3. Lisa,

    How beautifully written. My heart and prayers go out to you on this difficult day. Much love for you, sweet friend. Love, Katie

    1. Thank You Katie, it's my sweet friends who pull me through! I looked at my butterfly this morning and thought of you...

    2. Prayers for you and your family today, Lisa. You are such an inspiration to me.

    3. And you to me my sweet friend!

  4. how sweetly put, my friend, from a mother's heart:) beautiful scripture...he is the wind beneath your wings helping you to soar! praying for you and your family especially today...huggs...carol

  5. Wish I could give you a big hug, my prayers are with you today ! *The Lord blesses his people with peace..... Psalms 29:11

    1. thank you Tammy! I appreciate your hug and prayers today !

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Beautiful tribute....beautiful words from your heart!!! LOVE all of the pictures! Thinking of you today....your strength is inspiring!

  8. Wow, you are powerful! Thank you so much for sharing! Sending prayers your way!

  9. Lisa,
    The love for a child is stronger than anything I know of on this earth. You don't realize it until you become a mother. Just found your blog and I'm literally weeping. My husband grew up in Opelika. So, we know Auburn so well. We were just there this weekend. I will pray for you tonight and continue to follow your blog. Such a wonderful post on your precious son. M.

    1. Thank you so much! I am honored! You do know Auburn well! Thanks for the prayers!

  10. wow Lisa. I feel in some way like I know you more than most people I know, reading this post. I admire your strength and your poise and your grace. I feel the love for your son and the wisdom that you have gained in his way too early departure from your lives and the lives of so many who he made smile. He makes me smile just looking at his photo!!!Thank you for sharing such a precious part of yourself. You are a very amazing lady.

    1. Thank You Lesli! I am lucky to have had such an awesome son! God is good!

  11. Lisa - I love all of these pictures! Walker is missed by so many people. He loved life and I am sure he is still having fun and smiling. I love you!!

  12. Our prayers are with you Lisa.

  13. My thoughts are with you and just know that he is closer to you than you know. He's taking care of you now. :-)

  14. My thoughts have been with you this week, Lisa. Thank you for sharing beautiful memories. I admire your strength.

    1. Thanks Lisa, it's been a tough one but it's almost over!

  15. I just joined your blog! Thanks for joining back!


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