Thursday, March 29, 2012




Can you see the owl...

photos courtesy of pinterst or tumblr

this post started out about blue but somehow ended up green...i think i am drawn to mint this spring, are you?  soothing, soft, refeshing like aloe...i think i need to add some mint to my wardrobe or interior...

p.s. can you the owl in the print above...


  1. soothing, and yes, I LOVE that color! I need some too!!! And I DO see the owl!!!

  2. Mint all the way!! Thanks for stopping by my little spot! Lovin' what you've got goin' on here! xx

    1. Thanks Amanda! I appreciate your follow and comment! Can't wait to see what you do on your next post!

  3. I need more mint in my life. The only mint I have going on is my nail polish. Must change that soon. Great images!


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